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"Happy New Year Akaashi~"

"Mhm, Happy New Year Bokuto-san"

     Their mouths quickly locked together as if they were magnets being pulled together. Bokuto and Akaashi held each other in a tight embrace taking in the first moments of the new year. After a while they pulled away from each other's mouths, smiling. There was a soft second of silence as they watched the night sky. The constellations decorating the dark canvas of night.




     Everything went silent. The memory of the previous year played over like a movie in Bokuto's head. He didn't mind his two friends beside him. All he could think about was Akaashi. He gently tilted his head up to the sky and whispered something.

"Happy New Year Akaashi."

     He had a soft smile on his face. A minute or so had passed by when Kuroo and Kenma turned to face Bokuto.

"You good, Bokuto?"

     He nodded.

"We can stay for a little longer if you want to-"

"No i-its alright. I'm tired anyways," he shrugged "Kenma looks tired too."

     Kenma nodded in agreement with his face pressed to Kuroo's chest. Bokuto took a quick look around them, seeing the familiar snowy scene the park had become. It was Akaashi's favorite place to be when he wasn't at practice or spending time with Bokuto. He'd spent far too many afternoons there reading beneath the cherry blossom trees. Bokuto turned to face the park a final time remembering the events that occurred in the past year. The three walked home in silence.

     When they arrived home, they split off. Kuroo and Kenma going into Kuroo's room, and Bokuto to his own. This time he'd entered differently. Usually, he'd close the door and flop onto his bed, however this time he left the door open, grabbing the box of Akaashi's things, and nearly collapsing on the floor.

"K-Kaashi,.." He stumbled over his words as tears poured from his eyes.

     He grabbed Akaashi's jacket out of the box, clutching it tightly. In the darkness of his room, Bokuto let out a mix of soft cries and Akaashi's name. Though he was quiet, Kuroo noticed the door to Bokuto's room didn't shut. He walked out of his own and saw the wreck of his friend on the floor.

"Bo, what happened?" He knelt down.

"I-I can't do this Kuroo, I miss him."

"I know. I know you do. I can see it on your face every day."

"I tried to hold it in, I'm sorry."

     Kuroo rested his hand on Bokuto's shoulder.

"You never have to apologize for being human. We all have emotions, it's okay to show them."

     Bokuto sniffled and looked up at Kuroo.

"I saw you, the other day, on the couch. I saw the picture on your phone."


"I didn't want to mention it because I wasn't sure how you were going to react."

"You know that I was cr-"

"...yeah Bo, I know."

     For a while, they sat in silence.

"Bokuto you need to get some sleep. It's nearly one am."

     Bokuto nodded and picked himself up from the floor. He picked up the box and gently placed it back in the corner of his dresser.

"Thank you, Kuroo, you didn't need to-"

"I did. I had to make sure you were okay, are you?"

"I guess I'm better now. A little." He let out a soft laugh.

"We can go, tomorrow, if you're ready for that."

     Bokuto nodded.

"It might help."

"Yeah, I think I'm ready. Good night, Kuroo."

"G'night Bokuto."

     Bokuto shut his door after Kuroo left. He quickly changed into something he could sleep in and curled up on his bed. He drifted off quickly. Before he was fully asleep, a voice echoed in his head.

"Happy New Year, Bokuto. I love you."

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