The Plan

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Congratulations I have finally decide that your double will become a Zoldyck. 😀

* time skip brought to you by 'The Washer' 😌 *

*(D/N) P.O.V*

I've taught (Y/N) everything I know about business and vise versa. After a lot of begging and convincing we have come to an agreement, we are going to switch places for 3 months, then at midnight while no one is looking we will switch back and resume our normal lives, acting as if nothing happened. ( I wanted originally to do a year, but that sounded way to long. )

(Y/N) and I decide to change tomorrow after a bit more of practicing. Right now we were reviewing everything we've gone over. I've learned quite a bit for example: people have to do there own task, there are no bodyguards, maids, or butlers, people have to work for money, not all food is brought to you, basically everything is manually.

"Ok remember, when someone walks through the door to greet them if your are available, and your friends are Mandy who has pink hair, glasses, dark skinned, and about ye tall, and your other friend is Nolan, he has brown hair with green highlights, and heterochromatic green and purple eyes, you got all that? (Y/N) tells me.

"For the last time (Y/N) I got it, calm down quit being so paranoid, it's not like it's the end of the world." (Y/N) just sighs, "I know but you can never be to careful can you?" She says while giving me a half grin. "Well I guess you have a point there, now the real question is are you ready?" She looks up at me looking pretty nervous.

"Ok let's practice you know, since you don't look very confident." All of a sudden she starts laughing a bit, I look at her confused. She looks at my confused face and says, "Sorry laughing is how I cope with things, like if I'm nervous, sad, or anything I just laugh it off, and it helps a bit." ( fun fact: I actually cope with things irl 😀 )

I make a 'o' shape with my mouth, showing that I understood what she was saying. "I guess we all have different ways of coping with things, I like to deal with it by taking a deep breathe and re-focusing." I look at her and say, "Ok, you father is Silva a famous businessman, which you have a decent relationship with, he's stoic and calm most of the time, he doesn't show much each. Then your mother, Kikyo, she is a well-known fashion designer. She's annoying, and smothering, try your best to avoid her, and act cold towards everyone except for Killua, Kalluto, Alluka and Zeno.

You also have a grandpa named Zeno he is also a
a very famous-businessman as well, you guys are pretty close, he's calm and collected, but is actually quite sweet and caring underneath all of that, although he doesn't show it out in the public he cares a lot for me.

You have 5 siblings. Illumi the oldest, he's ruthless, emotionless, and observant, so be careful. Next is Milluki, I hate him, he's a short-tempered, selfish, immature, perverted, and rude. Then there me the middle child, after me is my favorite little brother Killua, he's can be bloodthirsty, rude, and violent but underneath that he's loyal and kind to the ones he loves, he's also quiet shy when it comes to affection a total tsundere, and love's chocolates, especially choco-bars. After Killua is Kalluto, although he wears kimonos, he is a boy I assure you, he's quiet, obedient, calm, loyal and he's also quiet shy when it comes to affection but not as much a Killua. Then the youngest is Alluka, she is a trans, her pronouns are she/her, she is very affectionate, lovable, and very sweet, and caring. Alluka also has a personality disorder, her other personality is called Nanika, she loves getting praised, she's also very affectionate, she's has a childlike personality, and is also very lovable."

I see (Y/N), with her pointer on the front of her chin and her thumb under her chin, while nodding and mumbling a bit, showing she's taking in all the information. "Ok! I think I got it, and I read the website about Lou and although there wasn't a picture there was a little description of what he looks like, I think I'm ready." (Y/N) says looking at me smiling.

I smile back "Great! I think I understand everything to, luckily you only have two friends, so not to much to remember." (Y/N) stand up with her chest puffed and fist on her chest looking proud. "I knew being anti-social would pay off one day." Earning some giggles from me. "I guess I can relate my parents don't allow me and my younger sibling to go outside saying it's dangerous and we're safer inside, away from the paparazzi, fans, etc."

(Y/N) sighs in what sounds like in a dreamy way. "Ah stay in my home all day, and still have all my needs taking care of, your living my dream." I stare at her confused, "I much rather have your life though, having freedom, no pressure, having control of my own decisions, doing whatever I want, if anything your living my dream life." We both start laughing at the irony of our dreams and realities, realizing how different we truly were.

'But now thanks to each other we'll be able to live our dream lives, although it's only for 3 months it will probably be the best 3 months of our lives, and the fact that it's happing tomorrow adds to my excitement! My dream of living a free life will finally come true and all I have to do is wait one more day! I feel like I'm on top of the world right now, or won the lottery or something, not that I'll need the money anyways. Words can't express how much excitement I'm feeling right now!' I smiling to myself thinking. I turn look at (Y/N) and flash a bigger smile, she gives me the same smile, only hers is like a smaller version of mine.

* time skip brought to you by 'Nolan's ugly sign'*

I start making my way back home, and sneakily made my way back into my room through the window, carefully tip-towing and quietly changing into my nightgown. Make sure not to wake anyone up, while make sure to not get caught sneaking out.

I finish changing and make my way over to my king-sized mattress and get under the sheets getting comfortable, this is going to be the last time I'm gonna be sleeping in my bed for the next few months. I try to calm my nerves down and fall asleep which is proving to be difficult with how excited I was for tomorrow.

'I'll finally be able to leave this place without having to come back, this prison, the place I've been since birth. 3 months away from everyone, sounds pretty good if you ask me. I wonder if I should've told Killua, he would definitely suspect something.' I quickly shake the idea off I'm already in bed and in a comfortable position, I don't feel like getting up now.

Hopefully Killua figures it out and doesn't snitch. Oh well I can't really do anything now but hope for the best. I shuffle around in my bed and sink into the bed more with a smile smile on my face, the same small smile (Y/N) had on before I left. I start drifting off sleep thinking about how the earlier I sleep the quick I get to leave this place. I fall asleep with good dreams filling up my mind and with that same smile still plastered on my face.

-Hey sorry for not updating sooner
-I have a procrastination problem
-I even procrastinate things I enjoy doing, like this book for example
-Anyways my school blocked Wattpad on my chrome book, so I can only write during the night time and maybe sometimes the weekends
-I'm failing school so my phone got taken away from me, but sometimes I get it back during the weekends, if my parents are feeling nice that day
-It is currently night time and I still have school tomorrow.
-My parents also found out I've been skipping classes so things are going great.

The Switch that Brought us Together ( Lou X Fem Reader ) ( Human AU )Where stories live. Discover now