Meeting the Family

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*(Y/n) P.O.V*

After changing into some of (D/n)'s clothes I hear a knock at the door, "Master (Y/n) it's time for breakfest!" I heared someone yell, then leave. 'Oh crap I have to see the Zoldyck's already!?' I slowly open the door and walk into what I think is the dining room. 'Holy crap this place is huge' I look at the table and see only one person there? 'Oh wait, I know who this is White hair, blue eyes, cat like demeanor this is Killua!' (my chocolate loving cat boy, I love you mwah) "Hey Kil" I say while taking I seat. "Oh hey (D/n) guess it's just you and me again,"

"I guess but more for us then you know?" You said it!" Killua says and starts digging in to the food. I also start digging in and man the food is delicious, it's like heaven! I look over to see Killua staring at me, "Hm? Kil is something wrong?" "Nothing it's just you don't really show much emotion now and day's because of the marriage, but I'm glad to see you happy again, but don't read to deep into it baka" He says and immediatly goes back to eating as if nothing happen. ' So he's the tsundere type....wait did he say happy again? Is Lou that bad?' (Omfg I forgot this was a Lou X Reader fanfic :D) I ponder a bit at Killua's word's

'I thought it was every girls dream to be with Lou since he's the 'perfect guy'? Ohhhh must be the fact that there stranger's maybe..I can see why though,' "Oi baka are you going to keep staring at your food or are you going to eat it?" I look up to see Killua finishing up his food, 'Crap, I totally zoned out!' "Yeah just thinking nothing much though" I quickly added the last part in fear he might ask what I was thinking about, "Just finish you food or I might eat it," he says and has cat tails and ears? (😫🤚)

*Timeskip ;)*

I've done a bit of exploring and no matter how many time's I say this I cannot comprehend how huge this house is, like it bigger then my future (come on you know it is) "Excuse me Master (D/n) may I come in?" I heard someone say, "O-oh, yes come in" "Master (Y/n)" She bows, " I was told to come and inform that you will be having a meeting with your fiance in a few days, 3 days to be exact." 'Wait....what!? (D/n) to me she hasn't met him! Wait this could be a good thing, if this is this mean's I can a make a first impression being me then Lou wont notice the diffrence! This is perfect!'

"I understand, thank you for informing me." After saying that the butler girl leaves. 'Man I have to meet up with a man I'm not even married to? At least I've been given me some Mercy. Looking around (D/n) is so different from my room, everything is organized, neat, tidy. Kind of werid to look at but I guess when your popular and rich you have to have class. Ok, so I've met Killua which was'nt to bad taking into consideration but I could've gotten caught meaning I should be fine since (D/n) told me that Killua was who she spent the most time with, as long as he did'nt suspect anything I should be fine.'

'Although Illumi is also going to be hard (So I've been told) to get pass. Beside Killua and Illumi there's still Milluki, Kalluto, Alluka, not to mention Zeno, Silva, and Kikyo. Man talk about a big family, at least they all usually stay in there room most of the time, gotta count my blessings.' I grab my phone from my backpack and start doing some more research about this family and maybe a bit on Lou. 'Maybe I'll find something helpful' I thought
-Heyyyyy ya'llllll
-Guess who's back bitches
-Ya girl author-channn
-And guess who still has 3 F's
-If you guessed me then your correct
-Also guess who's phone is going to be sold
-If you guessed me again then congrats your right again!
-Life is great :)
-Wanting to runaway but Covid wont let me :')
-I'll still update since I still plan on finishing this book
-See ya'll next chapter!
-Bye, and please pray for me I need it :D

The Switch that Brought us Together ( Lou X Fem Reader ) ( Human AU )Where stories live. Discover now