cнapтer 11 // ᴇᴅɪᴛᴇᴅ 2021.09.07

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The group of five people frantically searched for the woman before spotting her walking to a nearby alley. Swiftly and carefully, they followed her until she stops on her tracks.

Suddenly, she hissed and clutched her tummy. Her eyes squinting in pain.

"Oh dear." She whispered in realization

On the other hand, the five hashiras looked at each other,

"Did she perhaps noticed us?" Obanai spoke in a low voice

'Of course I did! I'm still a demon you faggot!'

Rengoku shook his head, "I don't know. Probably."

Shinobu raised her hand, "I don't think so. Look, she's in pain."

She pointed the direction of the woman with golden locks. Indeed she is now on the floor with her left hand on the wall and the right one on her belly. Beads of sweat coated her forehead and tears threatened to fall down her porcelain face.

"Not now, darling. Mama's still in an alley..." She pleaded but to no avail, the pain continued to grow

Swallowing back her pride she called out for assistance. She knew she's been followed by them and she's risking herself but she can't have her child in there. "HELP!"

The five were hesitant to move and that irked her. Damn! It's not like she can fight them in this situation. She's literally in serious pain.

She knew they're there and she hates to admit that they're the only ones who can help her right now. She's about to give birth.

"Please! Anyone?!" She called out again before whimpering in pain

A flash of bright yellow hair with red fiery tips rushed to her aid, the man carefully picked her up not minding her wet dress while the others picked up her bag and followed suit.


Upon arriving to the hospital, the staffs immediately accommodated her, a man clad in white lab gown rushed to them.

"You're the husband?" He asked Kyojuro

Before he could even answer, the doctor spoke again, "Bring her inside and stay with her."

He hesitantly followed his instruction. As he stepped inside, he saw the woman drenched in sweat, clinging to the metal bars of her bed as the pain grows more stronger for her to handle.

"Well?! Go to her side now!" The doctor urged him before going in between her legs

Obediently, he followed. He carefully took her hand on his own and started to combed her wet hair to distract her from pain.

"When I say push, you do it!" The doctor instructed

'Just what in the world am I doing here?' He thought

Drowned with thinking, he didn't heard the doctor signaled 'his wife' and just felt his bones almost getting crushed in his hands.

He winced but still let her squeeze it. Oh heaven's just how much pain is she currently in for her to release such strength?


After one last push, a loud cry filled the room. She successfully delivered her second child.

"It's a beautiful baby girl! Congratulations to you two!" The doctor smiled behind his mask. "Would you like to cut the cord sir?"

The demon slayer stared in shock. He pointed his self in disbelief, making everyone laugh, including the female demon. She pat his back .

"Come on Daddy. I'm about to faint here." She teased him with the hospital staffs, riding the complete misunderstanding about him being her husband

Slowly, he walked his way to the direction and accepted the scissors. With a swift move, he quickly cut the cord before everyone erupted in loud claps and cheers. Rengoku was left in a daze and was pulled back to reality by the doctor who returned with the little bundle of joy. She was already cleaned.

"Seems like a dream, eh? Congratulations on being a father." He smiled as he passed him the baby

He immediately fell in love with the sight of her, completely forgetting about the whole demon thing. The baby just looked so precious and innocent. It makes him want to protect her.

"Hello there little star." He whispered in awe while bringing a finger to her

The little girl instantly reached for his finger. Her little ones clutched his' with a big adorable smile on her face. He suddenly started swooning like a doting father and began swaying her carefully without noticing. At that moment, It seemed like there's just the two of them in the room.

"You're beautiful like your mom." He cooed and she smiled wider as if she understood what he said. Her emerald eyes sparked like crystals.

His lips curled into a smile.

"I really wish that you would stay precious and innocent like this."

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