chapter 20

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"I barely managed to save you." A boy in his teens said, his lavender orbs narrowed to the other boy in front of him

"Thank you." The latter spoke out

"I don't think you should thank me yet Rui, you still have a bit of his cells left in your system and I cannot just run to Tamayo to ask for her help again. Not while some of the demons are still after me." He solemnly said, as he started making tea

That's right, Rui, is still alive. He managed to slip away from the grasps of death because of this person in front of him. His new benefactor. His savior.

"He is manipulating mom, isn't he?"

"Yes. Her memories have been altered. Some of your mother's memories were taken away from her." He answer

The boy laughed sarcastically, "I know it too well. The moment that man started to realized that he cannot make me play right on his palm, he tried to get rid of me as quick as possible. He wasn't able to quench his satisfaction with me, a failed subject. Unfortunately for him, luck is on my side" He slammed down his cup, spilling some of the liquids in the table

"He was quick to discard me because I wasn't his child to begin with. To think that my even my older twin brother did not listened to me even when I told him the true colors of the man he called his father. He was brainwashed by that vile, filthy and abominable being to ever walk on this planet." He spoke bitterly

Rui's, now, plum eyes widened at what he heard. It felt as if his throat is being squeezed by someone. How could the boy in front of him dare to reveal something of that man! It's pure suicide!

"Y-You told him about your discovery?! That was outrageously dangerous!"

His companion smirked, his human like appearance morphed into that of a demon, "Did I ever told you why he doesn't favor me like he does to my older brother?" He paused for a second

"It is because he hated... No, loathed is the better way to describe his distaste of not being able to read what runs in my mind and most of all, despite being given his blood, Muzan was not able to turn me into a demon."

The revelations shocked and surprised the demon to his core. Several questions started running around his head as he heard those informations from someone who lived directly under the same roof with their master and managed to live and get this far.

"Ah fuck, my head is spinning again. Using those artificial abilities really takes a toll on my body. Tsk. Well then, Rui, try not to think to much or that man might sniff us."

With that, he left him inside the room, head filled with several questions that were left unanswered. His orbs worriedly stared at the door where the boy left...

Whatever shall happen in the future, only God knows.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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