did youa fall??? (deh danganronpa cROSSOVER 😱😱😱) [oumasai/kleinsen/tREEBROS???]

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Shuici was very uapaet at kok. he jsut ???? why ???? ???? 

kokiche used sucshi ina way tah. t was UN F ORGIVA BLEA. HOW DARE???  ??? 

bUt as shuichi awas crying?? kokcaihie knocked on teh d0re. 
"waht do you want????" i asked angra iyly.
"i'ma so sorAy shuichai!!!! i couldn't HELp! IT!!! KEBOB WAS TOO HOT!!"

"bu/t... kebab is d e ad?????? I thoughT yOu liked hes sistER?//???" shuici was very confuaser. was kok gay???

"do i hav chancE?" kokiachi look3ed confuesed??? oh n o. did i say that out loued??
"You did :)" OMG...................... OOPS..........................................

"BtW.... i didn't fallled,. "


"Did you fall... or did you let go?" OMG1??!???? K1B0??? 

"Kebbob??? ARen't you dead???"

"I faked the death. ACctually. Am alive."


Koekici lookead at. m3 confused??? but then we kissed. because3. gagayyyyyy hhahaahhahahah.
kebab rolle ihs eyes.  he was k ind of tierD? so he kind of just slept on door ste p.

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