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"Move," Todo motioned towards a small clearing with his hand.

"Todo," I stared at him, an emotionless expression resting on my face.

"You should be able to do it," He looked back towards me, a small smirk on his lips.



I pointed towards the fallen tree that he had been wanting me to move, the thing as wide as I was tall, "I can't move this."

"Pfft, again?" Todo rolled his eyes, "It's lighter than the rock."

"Oh, is it now?" My eyes widened in exasperation, staring at the youngest naga, "Well, I'm sorry that I can't lift anything that weighs more than my bodyweight."

"Fine, I'll do it," He rolled his eyes again as he moved past me, settling himself next to the fallen tree and bending down, "I honestly don't see the point of you offering your help if you can't do anything."

Without effort, Todo hooked his hands underneath the rotting bark and lifted the entire tree up, moving it towards the clearing before carefully angling it how he wanted. I watched in amazement as he angled it where he wanted, the tree nearly seven meters in length and just about one-and-three-quarter meters in width. When the tree was where he wanted it, Todo loosened his grip and let it fall to the ground.

"Do you just not like doing things yourself?"

He snapped his dark copper gaze over to me, locking eyes and moving back towards me, "It's not a matter of me 'liking' to do things myself. You swore yourself to me back in that cage, so what I'm wondering is why you did it when you're this useless at physical demands."

My brow furrowed in frustration, a corner of my lip pulling back in a snarl, "Listen here, young man! I may have made that promise to you, but that doesn't give you free reign to rule over me like some kind of 'holier-than-thou' god. If you're willing to ask me what I can do instead of guessing at the limits of my capabilities, I'd be more than willing to help you out -- but you keep throwing these ridiculous 'chores' at me that I know I'm not able to complete. The only reason why I could move the stuff back at the zoo was because they were designed to be moved by a human.

"I thought we had already talked about this, but since you can't seem to get it through your thick skull, allow me to repeat myself," I shoved my index finger towards the fallen tree he had just moved, "I can't move anything that weighs more than me in a best case scenario!"

Todo's nostrils flared as he sucked in a breath, his eyes widening while his black pupils constricted, rearing back before turning around and quickly leaving, "Fine! Then I'll come find you when I need something done that a puny human can do!"

I fought to even my breathing, knowing that what I had said, while true, was definitely not needed at the moment.

Slowly, the sounds around me began to grab my attention, barely louder than the silence that filled the area. Daytime bugs were out and about while larger life continued on its way in the canopy, passing me by while I stood still in the small clearing.

I took in a breath and started to look around for the familiar marks I had made that pointed the way towards my home in Todo's territory, knowing that it was almost south of where I currently was. I had to give Todo space before I could talk to him again, fully knowing that I was the one at fault for this yelling match.


Todo's expression soured as he crashed through the waterways near his den, diving into a large stretch of water and sinking down to the bottom, rolling in the grasses to rub off the muck that still clung to him from the thick bog that he forged through. Taking enough time to ensure that every scale was clean, he ran his fingers through his hair roughly, pulling at the clumps of algae and tossing them away from him.

Subject to Study Extended (Lemon, Naga!Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now