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"Right here?" I grunted as I pressed my arms down onto Oso's skin, feeling something resist my probing hands before a muted crack reverberated from his spine.

"Ahh...yeah, you got it," The whine from Oso's lips was full of relief, his head against the flattened long grass. I sat up on his upper tail before sliding off and sitting next to the completely relaxed red-headed krait naga, partially amazed that he hadn't flinched at all as I poked and prodded at the kinked spots along his back. His tail hadn't even waggled to show his disapproval of what I did.

"Are you all right?" I lightly laughed as I gently placed a hand on his right shoulder, watching as he swivelled his head to look at me, the dual red-and-black hues catching my gaze before closing.

"Oh, yeah..." Another breathy sigh escaped his lips, "My brothers would've done it wrong and their fingers definitely hurt more than yours do."

"Considering that I don't have the strength that the others do, I can see why you waited until I was supposed to be living here for a few days," Moving my hand in small circles on his shoulder, I glanced down at the shrinking rash near the small of his back where his scales met skin, "Have you been doing anything to that?"

"Hmm?" Oso looked up at me to see where I was looking, glancing over his shoulder before resting his head again, "Just soaking. It was itchy like crazy a few days ago, but the cold water helped a bit."

"I'm glad that it hasn't been getting worse, especially since I've been ignoring you..."

"You had other things to worry about, (y/n). I'm done holding things over your head to get you to cooperate with me," He folded his arms underneath his head as some of his tail shifted closer to me, a smaller length near the tip of his tail brushing against my left calf, "You're with us, we've kinda found something that works for all of us in regards to you living here, and the closest human civilization is a long ways away."

"Were you...bothered by what Jyushi and I did?" I felt a little bit of warmth rise up in my cheeks.

"Oh?" I picked up the teasing tone Oso suddenly had, "And what did you and my little brother do...?"

"You know what we did," I pushed my hand hard against his shoulder, hearing his laughter as I used the momentum to stand up, "I didn't know if you were affected by my scent, too."

Oso gathered his coils underneath him as he stood, rolling his shoulders before crossing his arms across his chest, "No, it wasn't your scent that alerted us. We could all taste Jyushi's excitement and guessed that the only thing that would make him feel that at this point was mating with you."

The blush became more intense on my cheeks, moving my hands to cover what I could as Oso's eyes partially closed.

"From your reaction, we were right."

"You're...not upset that he was first?"

"Why would I be upset when I know you're going to be mating with me, too?" The coy smirk fell from his face, instantly replaced with a look of confusion, "I know that it'll happen at some point, so I'm just waiting my turn."

"Is there a queue for me or something?" I looked over at him in partial confusion.

"Not necessarily," Oso's expression reset with a smile, "With you living on the island with us, we just kinda agreed that there didn't need to be a time constraint for when this needed to happen. If we detect that your body is going into heat, we'll push you towards the den at the overlook so we don't make a mistake...but everything else is up to you."

Understanding washed over my features as I lowered my hands from my cheeks. The nagas were still wanting to mate with me, but weren't going to force it to happen.

Subject to Study Extended (Lemon, Naga!Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now