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My brow furrowed in irritation as I lifted up the torn shirt to fully inspect the damage done to it. The green colored fabric dangled uselessly in my hands as a soft breeze blew through the jungle around me, my ears picking up the quiet sounds of someone approaching me from my right.

"I brought the things you asked for," Choro moved closer to me before offering what was held in his hands, my focus switching from the shirt that Oso ruined to the travel-sized sewing kit.

"I'm not sure what I'll be able to do with this, but I know it still has its uses," I gave the green mamba naga a grateful smile as I took the sewing kit, lowering the shirt onto my lap and feeling him curl up against me, "Probably a bag or something..."

"So...he was really rough with you, huh?"

"Uh-huh," I fought down a furious blush as I nodded, remembering that I wasn't able to walk on my own for two days after I was intimate with the red-headed krait, making good on his promise that I had to rely on him, "If you're all that rough, then I'll probably break before I'm able to mate with everyone."

"Well, you started with the two brothers that absolutely adore you," Choro laughed, his hands reaching up and starting to run through my hair, "Whenever you want to mate with me, I'll do my best to be gentler than them."

"Did they...tell everyone what happened, or are you guys just picking up on their scents?" I looked at Choro, meeting his dark green eyes.

"Eh..." He glanced off to something in the distance before meeting my eyes again, "Kinda both? For Oso, it seemed more like a bragging right, while Jyushi was just excited."

I hummed to myself, focusing on the torn shirt and settling for making a sling bag. As I started cutting up the fabric into strips while leaving the back panel untouched, Choro adjusted his coils against me and settled into a more relaxed position.

We sat in comfortable silence for a long while before Choro took a deep breath.

"I was scared...when I heard the helicopter fly over my territory."

"I probably didn't make things much better," My fingers paused their sewing, setting the small project back down on my lap and focusing on the naga, "When I realized that they were after me...I panicked and called for you all since I didn't know where anyone was."

"Oso was able to do what all of us wanted to do, and Jyushi had begged him to take care of some of the invaders," Choro shifted to lay on his back, looking up at the sky through the canopy, "To be honest, I felt horrible that I wasn't able to do anything other than warn Oso about it. I was too close to the shoreline when I heard the flying thing pass overhead."

I gently lay a hand on his right arm, his hand quickly reaching up and intertwining with mine, "I know that if there was more than any of you could do, then you would've done it. What worries me the most is that Calmine had contacted some kind of mercenary group, instead of a smaller band of hunters like before."

"Why does that worry you?" His eyes glanced down at me, an eyebrow raising in confusion.

"Because that means two things. One, he really wants me back and you all by extension, and two, the madman may still have money to throw around before he's forced to give up," Choro's hand slightly tightened around mine, offering a comforting squeeze.

"We've told you before. The bastard is welcome to try."

I laughed a little before I saw a small dot of wet appear on the cut up shirt strips, drawing my attention to it before I watched another dot appear. Several other drops formed before I felt one land on my exposed arm.

Subject to Study Extended (Lemon, Naga!Brothers x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now