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I look outside the train, I finally escape that place. A big massacre happened in our village.

I want to forget that village. This town is located at the country side, I can tell because of the huge trees occupying almost everything and the fog hovering outside the train.

I'm taking Journalism in Khayman Academia. Every two years, I always moved out. Every night, I feel like I'm being watched. That's creepy as hell.

I'm an orphan. I left the foster home when I turned 18. I didn't bother finding my family, Since there's no clues. They said I was wearing a hanbok, when I was rushed to the hospital.

An old one. A royal class hanbok.

There's a name on my hanbok's back part. Y/N. They named me Y/N, since it's written on my hanbok.

They assumed it was my birthday when the event happened, that's why I'm wearing a hanbok. The police closed my case, since I'm just a minor to justify my own case.

They don't know my birthday, so they just used the day when they found me.

I sighed, I need to avoid people. I remembered, Everytime I went near to peoples. I can smell their scent. This is so fucking ynsmfuxnwlcos

Something about them, making me feel tempted. Nevermind, forget everything. I'm must've gone crazy.


Hours have passed, I've finally arrived at my Stop. Here I am, waiting for a bus. TRANSPORTATION IS HARD HERE.

So I decided to walk, damn. I wore my black mask. It's hard carrying a luggage and a bag. I'm in the middle of crisis, when a blessing from god arrived.

A maroon mini van stopped infront of me, "Yo sizt, wanna hop in?" A guy with a mullet hair wearing a white sweater, offered. "Don't worry, we don't bite." I chuckled, Since I'm tired as heck. "okay..?" He got out the van, and helped me with my stuff.

I entered the van, there's two more boys. "Hey" The guy winked. "Yah! Jimin, stop that." The driver chimed in. "I was just trying, okay?" The guy named Jimin, remarked.

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