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I yawned, and sat up. I look around, studying the place I slept. After a few minutes of gulping and blinking. "Morning." I greeted the woman, staring to me.

"Hm." She only hummed, wow? You should be happy I greeted you. ;-; 

I rolled my eyes, "Why do you keep on staring at me?" She tsked, "I'm staring at the window." I look around, to see a window next to my bed. Oh.. Puta... I forgot about that..

Pahiya unti, bawi next time. 

I blushed in embarassment. I cleared my throat, "K." I said shortly, I rubbed my eyes before hurriedly running to the bathroom.

"That's so embarassing, what the fuck-" I whispered, I huffed before taking the towel at the rack.



I chuckled, "cute." I muttered. I can literally hear her squeaking inside the bathroom, I shake my head chuckling. 

I got up from my bed, and fixed her bed. I took my bag, and went out the room. 

I succeeded on not biting her. :)))


I entered my class, I'm taking ACT. I saw Jeongyeon and Irene there. 

I sat on my seat, We're studying for alot of centuries. Studying and Studying. 

We're just here.

I sighed, Remembering a tragic memory.


"Unnie." I called Deokyun-unnie, "Oh?" We're playing Figure dolls.

"When are you gonno leave?" She's Son Deokyun, one of the Joseon Princess. 

Borned  April 23, 1545. 

(A/N: If some of you don't know, it's Chaeyoung's birthday.)

"In a week, that's why we're travelling far. I needed to inform Jihyun-unnie later, We'll be leaving together." She said.

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