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I sneaked out the Academy, I brought a flashlight. It's 6 pm. I purposedly waited, I'm not sneaking early, duh.

The sun is going down. I first went to the pancake house, it's close already. But since I saw the woman who cooks, I pleaded.

I'm desperate.

She helped me find my bracelet, only seeing nothing. She said, only us and some new students ate here. But no one sat again on our table.

"Fucking shit." I cussed once I got out the Pancake House.

I looked up to the Moon, I need to find the bracelet. pls. 

I sighed, I continued walking. I stopped on my tracks when I remember The scene earlier at the bushes. 

"Oh, who do we have here.." Owshit, I'm still far from the Academy. 

"Smells nice." I slowly turned around, seeing a pale man. Red Eyes, Fangs showing. Nails digging to his palm.

I ran to the woods, as fast as I can. "Fucking shit!" I cussed, I ran and ran. I turned back seeing nothing, but when I turned to the front. He was there.

He strangled me, "You're a fast runner, aren't ya?" He smirked, was about to bite me. 

I felt something glowing behind my back, It hurts. help, pls somebody help. Looking at the glowing moon.

The next thing I knew, He was unconscious. Burned marks are visible, I huffed. I sobbed, some memories started showing.

I fell to the ground, and let dark consumes me. 



9 pm, I entered my shared dorm with Y/N. Why can't I hear any soft snores? I thought. She's not here, "What the??" 

I widen my eyes before running outside, "Shit.." I cussed, I directly went to the office. I barged in, "Oh, Tzuyu-ah.." 

"Did you guys saw Y/N??" I hurriedly asked, "Oh, We sended her to her dorm. 10 hours ago." 

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