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Here I am, Finding my dorm. Kookie-oppa and Jim-oppa are roommates, while Jin-oppa is roommate with the pale guy named Kim NamJoon.

That Namjoon guy is kinda scary, his face is plain and cold. I bet Jin-oppa will pester him. Once I found my Dorm, I saw some students looking at me when they saw me standing infront of the door.

I furrowed my brows before unlocking it, I push the door open to see a small room with two beds inside. The room is painted in institutional white, it has it's own bathroom. 

There's a girl wearing a dark maroon coat and a leather pants facing her back to me. I ignore her, and headed to my bed next to the window. 

I heard her tsked, which I ignored. Hehe balakajan. I unloaded my bag, and fixed everything. 

After a few minutes, I can still feel her stare at my back figure. I finally faced her, seeing a Cold Goddess. 

I raised my brows to her, "What?" I asked, she just stare at me before averting her eyes

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I raised my brows to her, "What?" I asked, she just stare at me before averting her eyes. I saw a golden pin on her left part of the coat. 

Chou Tzuyu

I examine her face, Everything is. PERFECT. Her pale color tone matches her ethereal face. Beautiful.

"I know I'm beautiful, but stop staring." She said, Did I said my thoughts out loud? 

"Yes, you did." She continued. I blushed, before looking away. I should take a rest. 

I lied down at my comfy bed, and stare at the ceilings. There's a vintage chandelier, and black roof. 

I started thinking of some scenerios before falling asleep.



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