An obsession built in Arawn, what was this light that stabbed into his darkness? He reached forth and touched the mind of his depraved mortal agent, forcing him to do his bidding and find out what the light was.
Tempie awoke with a dark form staring down at her. She did not know where she was or what was happening. Was this the darkness that her mother and sire had told her off? It must be for she sensed nothing from its presence.
It reached for her, "What a sweet little thing you are." She did not recognise the voice as the Sword Master's or the Captain's, someone else but whom?
"You would be such as succulent little thing." It continued.
"Leave her be," Tempie then realised there was another figure standing towards the end of the furs.
"You have seen her now let her alone, Satanas," the second figure spoke in a hushed harsh tone.
"I have not seen all of her yet," Satanas hissed, as his huge hands went to remove the covers.
"Nor should you," spat the other man. His words causing Satanas to turn and look at him momentarily offering Tempie enough time to retrieve her dirk still sheathed at her hip.
"Are you willing to receive the lash of the Sword Master or is it the sword of the Captain you crave?" the second man asked.
"Neither, but why should they have such a pleasure and not I." Satanas spat back his hand, went to the sleeping furs again.
With that Tempie thrust her dirk forward driving the dagger blade to the hilt through the middle of his hand.
He wailed. "All the fracken She'ols of Arawn you little coccydignia!" Satanas was enraged and totally taken off guard.
They scuffled, Satanas attempting to grab at Tempie. The second man attempting to subdue the much larger Satanas, trying to stop him from harming the small girl. Tempie was now caught between the two men.
The Captain approached his chamber door confronted by a disturbance coming from within. He burst through his door took in the scene all at once and roared. "Cease," causing both hold guards to drop Tempie to the floor where she rolled and positioned herself in a crouch towards the Captain.
"Explain yourselves?" The Captain continued, rage surging through his whole body. Batair was now standing at full height his arms set across his chest, massive biceps rippling and his deep brown eyes now black tinged by a red edge of anger.
Satanas still sporting Tempie's dagger through his hand spoke up. "We were trying to comfort the girl," the brute ground out through gritted teeth glaring at the other guard to stay silent. "She awoke crying."
Batair searched Tempie's face and could see the guard was not telling a truth. The Captain strode to face the guard, though Satanas was tall Batair towered over him.
He looked at the brute's hand. "That looks painful." Batair's words not giving away his disgust or anger at the guard.
"It is," the brute gritted out. "She is a little She'ol cat."
"Really." Batair's voice was low giving no warning, he ripped the dagger from Satanas' hand and coldly drove the blade into his chest. "You lie, you dishonour your King."
Satanas body slumped at the Captain's feet a stunned expression frozen to his face. With not another word Batair removed the dagger cleaned the blade on the dead man's back and went to Tempie's side.
Crouching down to be eye-to-eye with Tempie, he handed back her dirk blade hilt first, "Are you well little one?" Tempie acknowledged she was, with a small bob of her head. "And this one?"
As if knowing exactly what the Captain was asking. "No, he was trying to protect me."
All the nine elite warriors that had accompanied their Captain to retrieve the Sword Master had heard the commotion and now all stood at the entrance to the chambers. Swords drawn ready to confront any danger. None had interfered with the instant justice dealt out by their captain all witnessing and agreeing that the male had obvious ill intent towards their little ward. Their only regret was that they had not been the one to strike and kill the foul wretch. The captain rose.
"Your name guard?" he demanded.
With a stiff salute. "Robson, Captain," the guard's voice shook.
"Well, be so kind as to remove this bescumber from my chambers and return to your former post, be sure to speak of this to no one." With that two of the warriors aided Robson in dragging Satanas body from his chambers.
Tempie still crouched on the floor watching all, with weary tired eyes.
"Tempie," the Captain softly crooned leaning down as if to get her attention. "Tempie, you are safe."
Knowing that this was an absolute truth, she dropped all pretense of strength and threw her arms around the neck of Batair sobbing. Batair just knelt holding her to his chest. He allowed her to cry offering soothing words and stroking his large hand down her back. The warriors thought their hearts would break at the sound of the little one's tears. Shooting each other helpless looks and none knowing how they could assist they waited.
It took several minutes for her tears to subside and her breathing to calmed to that of someone who slept deeply. Batair now found himself entangled in the arms of Tempie. Each time he tried to put the little girl to his furs. She would tighten her grip whimper and try to draw closer. In final resignation, he indicated to his men to assist him in removing his armour. He then arranged himself sitting up on his sleeping furs with Tempie secured in his arms to sleep. Seeing that their captain and new ward were comfortable, the warriors retreated to find their rest.
Two of the largest positioned themselves in the anti-chamber, standing stag at their Captains' door.

The Tempest of Eerikki - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST
FantasyTHE TEMPEST OF EERIKKI - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST - WHEN A TEMPEST IS MORE THAN A VIOLENT STORM. At a time when the touch of a demonic force starts to create imbalance, two divine beings decide to create a cure. Tempie is the offspring of the...