Chadd felt a rush of power and satisfaction as he dumped the unconscious forms of the little bitch and the old hag onto the cave floor. No one would miss them yet he could take his time and enjoy their fear. He would love making her scream. He would often fist himself at the memory of those maidens within his Father's Hold. Remembering with sadistic delight, he would take in their cries and pleads for him to stop but he never did, as his Uncle Satanas had taught him they were there for his use and use them he did. The memory had his cock stiffening. Before he had always needed to rush his pleasure but now, he could take his time, especially because she was the one who had caused his dishonour.
Chadd stretched out Tempie's form. Rubbing a rough hand over the skin of her breast and belly. 'She is succulent, but it's no fun if they aren't screaming' he thought. He could wait.
Tempie awoke her head splitting. This must be what a hangover is like, she thought. Looking around the walls they were black stone and damp in places the ground was just as rocky as the walls. There was a small opening that seemed to lead to a long tunnel, a cave or mine, she thought. Tempie gave an involuntary shiver she was naked with her hands and feet bound, a foot away laid Averta. Tempie stilled her mind relieved when she saw Averta's chest rise and fall assuring her she was just unconscious. All was quiet and dark.
Batair guided Blaz to the place in the battlements where the tunnel immerged, stopping for but a moment to take in that Chadd had been joined by a mounted party of six or more.
"Oh Kopis, help me," the red rage of a berserker still filled Batair's eyes. "Take me to Tempie," he directed Blaz, the beast snorted, reared and was off, he let the great warhorse have hits head. He had the scent of his mistress and was better than any bloodhound in the hold. Batair found he needed to wrap his fingers in the thick mane of the beast to keep on its back. Several low branches had almost unseated him but he held fast, praying to the Divine that they would soon catch up to that sporn seed to save their Tempie and Mistress Averta.
The beast headed towards the warrior trail at the base of the mountains of Coritham.
'Coritham, of course,' Batair thought the home of the dishonoured.
It was full morning when the beast slowed as they approached the base of the first of the Coritham ranges, seeming to sense the wrongness that now surrounded them.
Averta no longer lay on a stone-cold floor. All around her was bright and white forcing her to blink at its harshness.
The sweet melodic voice of the Goddess brought her eyes up. "Well met, my Averta."
Averta's eyes filled.
"Priestess, why do you cry?" the Goddess quizzed.
"Divine one why do you not allow me to call on my dea Viribus?" Averta questioned in a low voice full of frustration.
The Goddess smiled and touched Averta's forehead.
She was now standing in the great orchards that surrounded the Scholars Hold in Frode.
She felt her body pushed up against the great blossom tree, firm arms holding her as greedy hot kisses pressed across her lips. A memory of a stolen moment with her great love. As Priestess to the Battle Fahnlein, her responsibility was to imbue divine strength to all Elite Warriors and it was forbidden to favour or love just one. But she could tell herself he was not just any Warrior he was chosen, for she had seen the mark of Kopis that rested above his heart during their first union.
She had loved him from the moment he threw her a cheeky wink and smiled at her. Most Elite Warriors were tall and handsome, but the features of this warrior made her heart pound. His entire six-foot-seven frame radiated power and confidence. She could not put her arms around his massive chest.

The Tempest of Eerikki - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST
FantasyTHE TEMPEST OF EERIKKI - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST - WHEN A TEMPEST IS MORE THAN A VIOLENT STORM. At a time when the touch of a demonic force starts to create imbalance, two divine beings decide to create a cure. Tempie is the offspring of the...