Batair found himself in a massive banquet hall. Before him was an amazing sight, many warriors seated at long tables that stretched out in front of him further than his eye could see. Some he recognised from legend and one or two he had known personally that had graced the lap of the
Goddess through the battles he had fought in.
He whispered, "Great feasts I shall put in front of those who have fallen in my service."
"Yes," a massive hand clasped on his shoulder. "Well met Batair, Captain of King Rhain's Elite Warriors, Well met."
Batair sat to the honoured right-hand position of the high table and in the King's, seat sat a massive warrior. 'The right hand of who?' Batair thought. While he was a huge warrior at six-foot-eleven, second only to Albern the being that sat beside him was immense. His chest double the size of his own. Hair and long beard of a brilliant silver white. Clad in elegant but simple leather jerkin and trousers, the only vestige of status being his brilliant silver and gold vambraces that clad his forearms wrist to elbow.
Turning back to his overflowing plate to feast on a leg of beast and gulped down what Batair knew to be a pale ale. "Drink," the warrior commanded, "Feast, you have done your Goddess proud."
Batair obeyed picking up his stein. The pale ale that slipped down his rough throat seemed to ease a thirst he had not acknowledged.
"Why am I here?" Batair looked at the being beside him.
By way of answer, Batair found his cup was being refilled by the most astonishingly beautiful creature he had ever seen.
Captured in her crystal green gaze. "Do you not recall what you did for our child this day?" Her voice was almost a lullaby sweet and succulent to his ear.
"Goddess," burst from Batair's lips and he immediately bowed his head.
"Yes, My Batair." She touched his cheek, "this is your time of judgement, a crossroads if you wish."
Knowing he now faced not only the Goddess but the Supreme Warrior, his heart both sang and sank at the same time. The knowledge he had earned a place to the right hand of Kopis the Supreme Warrior in the Divine Goddess Minerva's great banquet hall filled him with exaltation. But there was something he had forgotten it pulled at his heart that seemed to crush against his chest.
The Goddess clapped her hands once and Batair found he was now looking on a clearing seeing he and Blaz battling the dishonoured. He could remember the rage that filled him and looking with satisfaction as the bodies of those that had fallen to his blade surrounded him, he had lost count but there were still many enemies to dispatch.
The war beast gone only to be replaced by the sudden appearance of a naked girl.
"OH Goddess, it was his Tempie." With fruitless effort he scratched and clawed at the air to get to her side, to protect her not remembering this was but a vision of events recently past. He was commanding for her to run, but she stood back-to-back with him protecting what he could not.
Tempie's little face was just as full of rage as his and with the simple declaration. "I protect mine, as they protect me and you Batair are mine" they fought.
The two below him fought with the harmony few seasoned warriors knew, knowing exactly where each other would be. Where one wove or ducked, the other would be there to strike or stab. The repetitive training at the hands of their Sword Master now showing full dividends.
Countering blows the other could not. He took great pride in watching not only his own smooth movements but that of Tempie. His mind grieved 'oh Goddess' she has but sword. He remembered that he had taken only a moment to survey her body when she had first appeared at his side. Her abused form only enraging him further. They would all pay.
From his visage on high, he could also see an inky blackness that was naught but a shape of a man. Its slimy tendrils seemed to touch the mind of an attacker the instant before he would then charge forward. Ancient wisdom telling Batair that this was the manifestation of Arawn and his darkness that could infect a man's soul.
While the two below fought with great skill there were blows landed, skin sliced. Batair again tried to claw his way to Tempie's side, each piercing of her skin unacceptable to him. Nothing stopped the pair until an arrow bolt was suddenly protruding from his side. He watched himself sink to a knee. Tempie had stepped to his side, zeroed in on the archer, retrieved one dagger that was harnessed to his back and sunk the blade into the softness of the archers' eye.
Batair rose to accept the approach of his own death he snapped the arrow shaft off and continued to fight. Now he only battled for her. He would not leave until he knew Tempie was safe.
Only after witnessing Batair's weakened state did Chadd attack. Batair's spirit noted with great satisfaction that when Arawn's sporn seed attacked he had stepped forward and sliced Chadd's sword arm off at the elbow. Forcing the rancid creature to fall back trying to stem the flow of blood, its blood was not red though it was oily slick black.
After what seemed an eternity, that saw the dispatch of many, Batair then felt the sensation of falling and being slammed back into his own body. He was now looking into beautiful emerald-green eyes full of tears. She was begging him not to leave her. He retrieved the soft blue ribbon of Eerikki that he had tucked into his vambrace and tied it around Tempie's wrist.
She was still begging for him to stay.
He raised a blood-stained hand to her cheek using his thumb to wipe away the tears that ran unrestrained. His last words were low and whispered. "I love you, my little Goddess."
Just as suddenly, he was then back in the banquet hall of the Goddess, all were silent. Every warrior's eye was upon him, was this his judgement? At that moment he understood that they had all seen the battle through his eyes and could feel his anguish.
The Divine Goddess now sat to the left of the Supreme Warrior her face a mixture of emotion. "Thank you Batair," a sensation of great gratitude filled him, but his heart was broken.
The Supreme Warrior whispered into the ear of his love, her eyes widened.
With a soft smile at her lips she pronounced aloud. "Yes, my love," she rose and walked to Batair's side kissed his forehead and whispered. "You have earned your place Batair, but there is still time, after all, we are eternal."
She kissed his forehead once more and all went black.
The Sword Master was furious the next morning waking to find not only Tempie missing but Valiant and Xear. He stormed through the halls knowing she had not been asleep for many hours as her furs were cold. His heart was racing.
Finally, coming across Valiant and Xear leaning against the wall outside the healer's door.
"What in the She'ols is going on," the gruffness of his voice could not hide his worry or concern.
"All is well Sword Master," Valiant raised a hand opening the door to find Tempie fast asleep in the crook of Batair's arm and
Batair staring down at her with love and adoration.
"Batair!" William's worry turned to joy.
Batair raised a finger to his lips to quiet all as he did not want his Tempie woken.

The Tempest of Eerikki - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST
FantasyTHE TEMPEST OF EERIKKI - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST - WHEN A TEMPEST IS MORE THAN A VIOLENT STORM. At a time when the touch of a demonic force starts to create imbalance, two divine beings decide to create a cure. Tempie is the offspring of the...