Her training continued, so it was that on a bright sunny day during dagger drills a blade seemed to slip from the hand of one neophyte towards the chest of another.
It was as if Tempie knew the blade was coming she lifted her left hand to the front of Rheinhold's chest stopping the blade not an inch before it would have penetrated her friend's heart. All stilled neophyte, trainer and warrior alike.
The Sword Master was the first to move to his ward, for while Tempie had stilled the dagger, it was with a fierce grip on the blade rather than hilt causing its honed edged to bite deep into her palm.
"Tempie, release the blade child," she did as the Sword Master bid.
Then, to everyone's shock, she rounded with ferocity on the one that had let loose the blade. It took those present a moment to work out exactly what had happened, but Tempie was in no doubt that what had transpired was no accident. There was no warning in her attack. She just did.
Chadd now found himself under Tempie, the large brute struggling to breathe. All had seen Tempie charged Chadd, slam him to his back and now she had her knee pressed into the little bescumber's neck pulling on his arm for leverage attempting to snap his neck. Tempie's anger radiated in palpable waves of heat that seemed to physically push all away.
"You dare, you son of Arawn," Tempie screamed into Chadd's ear. "I know you did that on purpose and you will pay." None doubting that Tempie was trying to kill Chadd, but it was Tempie's next statement that stunned them all in total amazement. "I protect mine as they protect me."
The wretch's only saviour was the blood coming from Tempie's palm as it made everything slick and she was not able to obtain a tight enough grasp to be able to break Chadd's neck.
Tempie was suddenly in the strong arms of Batair, where he had come from no one knew.
"Calm my Tempie." Batair was whispering in her ear.
She was trembling but let herself be comforted by his arms and words. Batair drew a large silk bandana from his inner vest pocket quickly pressing it to the bleeding gash on her palm, before swinging her into his arms and striding towards the Healers Chambers. The Sword Master shouted for all to stand to and barked at Khalon to confine Chadd pending charges and for the rest of the neophyte and trainers to return to their drills. For he was the Sword Master and needed to ensure the safety of the training grounds but he knew his ward was in the best of hands.
"She attacked me, you all saw it, that bitch attacked me," Chadd's stupidity astounded all.
Khalon's massive hand crushed into the back of Chadd's neck to silence him as he was dragged away. After depositing Tempie with the healer Batair had Valiant and Albern stay with her, while he returned to his Kings presence.
Unbeknown to the warriors, Batair and the King would often stand on the Hold battlements that overlooked the Training grounds to observe the progress of the neophyte.
It was the King who had witnessed Chadd take careful aim at Rheinhold and to their joint amazement and relief see Tempie catch the blade. Batair had then bolted to the training ground in time to subdue the enraged Tempie.
All neophytes were restless to complete the day's training and as soon as they were released Rheinhold and Lachlan found their way to the Healers Chambers.
"Good Master Healer." Before Rheinhold could request admittance and permission to see Tempie, the healer was showing his agitation as he grumbled that he would get nothing done with the continual interruptions.
Just waving his hand. "In there!"
The boys entered to see Tempie propped up on the sleeping furs her little hand bandaged. Though she smiled at them, it was not with her normal radiance. After a long period of silence with the three just looking at each other, none knowing what to say.

The Tempest of Eerikki - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST
FantasíaTHE TEMPEST OF EERIKKI - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST - WHEN A TEMPEST IS MORE THAN A VIOLENT STORM. At a time when the touch of a demonic force starts to create imbalance, two divine beings decide to create a cure. Tempie is the offspring of the...