There was a crispness to the air. The grounds of Eerikki was full to overflowing with warrior and neophyte from all the realms of Mardav, all vying for the honours offered during the Festival of Bounty. The training field was now surrounded by massive, coloured pavilions of the seven lords, their entourages and warriors.
Tempie found herself in the middle of other neophyte and warriors from Eerikki. A slight tremble of excitement ran through her body at seventeen cycles she had now grown three inches since coming to train but she was still far shorter than any of the other neophyte of the Hold causing her to have great difficulty in seeing around them or over them.
Averta the bathhouse mistress, had braided her hair and tied it with ribbons of deep blue. The King's colours signifying she was competing for Eerikki. She wore her vambraces and fighting jerkin and trouser. They were all awaiting the King's address that would see the start of the day's competitions.
The King was in full regalia. The simple crown slightly tilted to one side sat snugly against his head while a rich blue cloak embellished with a great stag's head and antlers, flapped regally behind him. This was the first time Tempie had ever seen him wear armor or weaponry. Gold embossed vambrace and chest plate glinted in the morning sun. A massive bastard sword its gold bejeweled hilt, was slung low on his hips. Its holstering in such a way demonstrating that the King knew how to use it.
He stood approached the front of the dais raised a hand, once all were quiet he spoke. "My Lords, Ladies, Warriors, Landsmen and our beautiful Daughters of Minerva." Rhain's voice rang true across the grounds all hearing clearly. "Welcome to MarDav's High Court, at this blessed time of our Divine Goddess Minerva. We are here to celebrate and give praise for the cycles past bounty." Rhain paused but only for dramatic effect for he had a wicked glint of excitement in his eye, "and for our warriors to show their skill, I bid you good luck." One last word. "Commence."
The festival events saw separate competitions for Neophyte and Warrior in the five disciplines of the dagger, lance, blade, bow and unarmed combat. Warrior and Neophyte could compete in as many of the disciplines as they wish and would be given points where they placed an overall tally. They would proclaim the warrior and neophyte who had accumulated the most points "Dea" the Divine Goddesses' Warrior and Neophyte a great honour.
Batair and Albern had taken their place at their Kings side. Batair's appearance surprised Rhain.
"Batair, what the She'ols are you doing here, why are you not taking up your position to compete?"
Every warrior knew who Batair was and knew his reputation and while most gave him great respect there were always those who believed they could best him. That is why he was happy to remain at his Kings side, with no desire to compete. He no longer needed to prove anything to anyone. He was the King's Captain of his Elite Warrior's the youngest in memory to have been awarded such a position.
Batair looked stunned at his King. "Your safety, my King."
"Is fine in the hands of Albern your second." Rhain commanded waving him off, "go prepare yourself I have a vat of my fine hillside wine riding on you winning. So, go."
Knowing better than to argue "Yes your majesty," Batair placed his vambrace to chest plate with an audible clank, spun on his heels and was off to prepare. If he had been honest with himself, he had not wanted to compete so he could watch over Tempie to ensure her safety but he must do as his King command.
Albern leaned down to whisper in his King's ear. "My King was that a truth?"
Rhain answered his stoic warrior with a wicked grin. "Well, it will be in a moment," both men chuckled.

The Tempest of Eerikki - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST
FantasyTHE TEMPEST OF EERIKKI - Book One - THE PANACEA QUEST - WHEN A TEMPEST IS MORE THAN A VIOLENT STORM. At a time when the touch of a demonic force starts to create imbalance, two divine beings decide to create a cure. Tempie is the offspring of the...