Chapter twenty six- the White Wedding

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(Sthandokuhle's version)

Both the bride's looked very stunning in their wedding outfits and I could see the tears in each ones faces .It hasn't been easy at all for the both of them and their love has been tested in so many ways but eventually my brother has found the one his soul wants .

" I am not one who plays with words but today I'll eventually learn .I wanna take this time and tell you that I love you  Buttercup .It hasn't been the most perfect journey neither easiest but with you besides me I could stand the challenge .You have become my weakness , the coffee that I need in the morning , my happiness  , my everyday crush , my own gardien angel , someone to enjoy my life with , my  campinion to register everything to ,the light in my life and mostly the mother of my kids . I won't drag much but I just want you to know that I will choose you today , I will choose you again tomorrow and choose you again in the future if I would have a chance .With no hesitation .Now give me your hand and let us be one my love .We shall walk together till the end of time ." With that said by Kwanele , Natasha shed a tear and you could hear the ncoo's and the ahh's .It was just way to sweet .A short music played and there was clapping and alueting .

" Here is the ring Lethukukhanya .It's your turn ." The pastor handed the rings .Natasha took a deep breath and gave Kwanele a smile .

"We have been together for a while now . We are growing stronger everyday now .It feels so good and there is no doubt and I will stay with you . It's an extraordinary thing to meet someone who you can bare your  soul to and accept you for what you are .I have been waiting for what seems like a very long time ,to get beyond what I am with you Kwanele .I feel like I can finally begin .No measure of time with you will be long enough but let's start with forever .You have been the most loving , supportive man in my life that I have met in a lifetime .You have picked up the broken pieces that I once thought no one would fix .You have loved me when I was a summer storm , and you have loved me as a whole .You have taught me what it is to love a person and have made your way through my fragile heart .I don't have many words to describe my love for you but I want you to know that I'll love you till I take my last breath .Gumede , Mnguni , Phakathwayo ,Yeyeye , Wena owayengu muntu ngendaba .Past my intelligence ,beyond my emotion , and over all the emotions that rule me .Take my hand and let's walk together .I love you ." With that said she wiped Kwanele's tears and they kissed very passionate kiss .

The married couples made their way out ,followed by the family to take some pictures and the guests made their way to the receptionist .Starters were served and it was time for the speeches . Natasha's mother was called forward and the song "Ntabezikude by Coleman" played .

" Lord you worthy to be praised
Lord you worthy to be praised
Lord you Worthy to be praised
You deserve the best ." She sang very deeply with tears in her eyes .

" Greetings to all .I stand here as a very proud mother Natasha .You have surprised me to the women you have become my darling and I must say it brings me to see that you have become the most strongest person I have ever known . The step you are yet to step in is not a very easy step but I trust that you are strong enough .The only advice that I will give you my baby is that you will conquer everything through prayer .Support your husband in everything , be his right in his wrongs and love him when his not unlovable . Kwanele take care of my daughter and love each other . Have that bond that your kids will wish to have one day .Make your house a home just by loving .To the future King and Queen ." She toasted .

The rest followed and the couple had their dance.

"Hearts beats fast
Colours and promises
How to be brave
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubts suddenly goes away somehow
One step closer
I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling don't be afraid I have loved you
For a thousand years " the song played as the couple danced and others joined to .A voice nearby came .

"Wanna dance ?" He smiled

"Yes ." I stood up and he took my hand.

His scents was breathtaking .

"Joshua Classen ."he smiled looking deep in my eyes

" Sthandokuhle Gumede ."I smiled back

" The king's daughter .I am single ." He laughed .

" I am royal ." I laughed

"Well I am from Eangland ." He joked

"You really are crazy .I wouldn't mind a first proper date I guess ." I smiled

" Wow ! As you wish my Queen ." He bowed

"Stop it Joshua ." I smacked him playfully .

"You are beautiful ." He looked at me and glared

" You crazy ." I raised a brow .

Joshua is one of the most craziest guys I've met yet very formal and handsome .He is my type I guess .The wedding proceeded and it was soon over .

Love is patient , love is hard .

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