Chapter four... Miracle..🌸

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A small breeze whooshed outside and the sun shorn bright outside .I had this overwhelming feeling that was very potent I guess .On my way to the bathroom I felt sharp pains and suddenly a torrent of water gashed to the floor .I screamed very loudly as the pain increased .Tears rushed down my cheeks and my mother, Doris, came towards me and called Sam ,Bridget and Liam .Sam did not even bother to come and help infact he just took his backpack and exited the house . How shocking hey?Mother and Bridget kept me going while Liam called the ambulance .Truth be told I was not expecting to give birth at that time because I was only eight months and few days pregnant .

Within an hour the ambulance came .The pain became more and more worse .By the time I reached the labour ward I was already a mess. They gave me an injection and I had to find my position to give birth .It was then time to push my baby out .When the baby's head was just about to come out ,I stopped for a short breath , the nurse kept encouraging and pleading to me that I must not close my eyes .Giving birth was the most hard and challenging thing I ever did.When I was about to go for another push the baby didn't want to come out .We waited from 10am to 12midnight the next day until I gave birth .The doctors took the baby and there was not even a cry to show it was alive .They tried everything but there was no change .

They came back empty handed and told me my baby didn't make it to life .I felt my heart sinking and breaking into pieces, tears fell down slowly , my lips moved but there was no sound that came out .I felt like a part of me left me and I felt like there was nothing left for me in this cruel Earth .I than asked God that ,"Why is it that I pray to you every single day but you took the most precious thing to me ?Why is it you did not even give me a chance to give her the love she deserves ?Yes I made my mistakes but God please show yourself to me that you are alive . People out there live the most outstanding lives yet they don't even plead to you but the ones who trust ,worship , honour you are the one living the most miserable lives !"

Just when I closed my eyes I heard a little voice crying I open my eyes very slightly and the doctor came with a baby in her hand ."Miss Jones ! Unfortunately she made it in life . Would you like to give her a kiss ?"I looked at her and she looked just like my grandmother .It's true when they say "Once born ,there is a quiet time , which we like to call ,"The Golden Hour "This is the hour in which she or he will look at you wide eyes , instinctively feeds and bond to you .

Hey guys !!Hope you enjoyed 🤩.Don't forget to vote ,comment and share .Lots of Love from your author 🤗

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