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(Ukranada's POV)

-Wanna go buy new hockey skates? Entered my father, Canada smiling at me. I was sitting on my bed and reading my book. I nodded and put the bookmark in the page that I was reading. My father walked out from my room and left the door open. I took my shorts and put it over my leggings, I also put my belt over it. I put my flannel jacket that was from my dad and it was quite big so I pulled the sleeves to my elbow. I raced down from my room leaving my door open.

-Where are you two going? Asked my mom from the kitchen and walking out from it. My dad was leaning on the wall that was next to her. My dad grabbed her cheek and kissed her forehead and walked towards the front door which I followed him behind.

-We're going to go hunting. Hunting elephants to be exact. He answered smiling and putting his shoes. I giggled when my mom rolled her eyes.

-We're going to go buy new skating shoes for this new year! I said and kneeling down and to tie my shoelace. My mom hummed and watch us exit the house.

When we got out, we went to my dad's truck and he sat at the driver seat and I sat next to him. I put my seat belt and so did my father.

-Ready? he asked and I nodded and he started to drove off.

We arrived at the sport shop and it has been so long since I've been there. The reason that I love to be here is because there was a 50% that Estland will be there. The reason is that he works there during summer break and now it is the summer break. I got off from my seat and when my father locked the door, I yanked him and make him enter.

I open the door and a surprise coolness hit my face. It blew my ponytailed hair behind a bit. The reason it had the coldness was because there was a skating ring that you can skate around. I looked around and I smiled wider when I saw Estland putting back skates on the shelves. He turned around and I ran towards him.

I leaned on the counter opposite from him and he stand there. I gave him a smile and he did a small smile.

-So, what's up? he started and my dad came next to me.

-Rana here needs to buy new skates. he explained and Estland nodded. He turned and went around the counter and sliding his fingers on the counter and when he stopped in front of us he motioned us to follow him and we nodded at the same time.

We followed him behind and we arrived at the part of where there were lots of new skates.

-What size, what type and prefer female or male? Estland said and stood in front of us, in his proper posture.

-36, hockey skates and what was the last part? I answered and I was surprised at what he said at the end. He chuckled and I did an oh sound.

-Nothing. he said and shrugged and looked for my skates. He came back after a while of searching. He gave me and told me to try it out. It fit perfectly. My dad asked me if it was the skates that I wanted and I nodded and took it off. I handed it to Estland and he grabbed it and nodded. He motioned us to follow him and we obeyed.

Behind the counter, he sprayed inside the skates. He typed cash register and he asked my dad if he wanted to pay with cash or credit card. He took the second option and gave Estland this card. Dad payed it and Estland gave me my skates.

-Wanna use the ring? he asked and pointed the ring and I looked at him, wondering if he was serious.

-You sure that your boss won't be mad?

-Yeah, I'm sure.

We walked and my father sat on the bench. Estland wore his skates and so did I. He gave me a stick and he had one for him and he had a puck. He went to the ring and entered and so did I and I closed the door. He put the puck in the middle and asked me to move around with the puck and shoot it at the wall to test out my skates. I nodded and did exactly what he demanded. I was amazed at how easy it was to skate around.

After a while of skating in the ring with Estland and playing ice hockey. It was a long time since I played... well, it was just before summer break. And tomorrow I have to go back to school with Estland and we will already start our hockey lesson. Me and my dad decided it was time to leave so I hugged Estland and wave goodbye.

(Author's note)

This chapter is out because why not. This is an okay chapter but this is only a preview-ish. 

ε=( o`ω′)ノ

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