THE DISC (part 2)

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pov: jschaltt🐏

(Author's note - it is recommended to play the video in the flashback parts)

I entered Noah's house and not everyone was there

I was still in a storm of emotions and memories flooded me in the morning

Despite the mask of the cold face on the face of the group still saw that something had happened but everyone was silent

Travis came in and left the door open

"Close the door," Cooper complained

"Why? Pleasant outside" Travis replied and smiled, I turned around to see Travis and he was just dressed all in warm clothes

Ted had already finished cooking in the kitchen and the table was set

"Alex will be delayed" I said and went to the table to take my place "We will start everything without him"

When everyone around the table sat down, we started eating.

They as usual talked and marked things on the map, I sank into my thoughts and the case flooded me again

The music played and in the background again I heard my heartbeat and my heart stopped for a second again ... and again ...

"Schaltt? Schaltt!" Noah shouted and brought me back to reality

I looked at everyone, they want to say the same thing but are silent instead

"I'm tired of this! I will say it!" Travis got up and looked at me directly "Something happened and you do not share, my guess something happened to your child"

"It's .. yes, related to the kid ... and I dont think I told you about it" I told them honestly "after the this I will tell if you want"

They updated me on what I had missed and after that we sat down in Noah's living room, it was quiet until Charlie said "So are you going to tell this or not?"

Alex walked in the door and he left it open too  and said "Um ... what did I miss?"

The worst timing in the world, he and Tubbo are the only two people I did not want to hear that

"sit down, story time" I sighed and looked at my drinking glass

(To differentiate between the flashback and the interruptions of the other characters (because who does not like to interrupt in the middle of a story) the caption will be like this)

That was two years ago ... before I met you

~ Flashback ~

I went to a bar called the Dead Shrimp, and he was waiting for me there

"Where were you?" He said "I have been waiting for you for ages"

"Traffic problems, not your business" I replied

"Jesus who is it that you need such an approach?" Charlie asked

"It was a business meeting, I'll go on with my story" I was still looking at my glass with the drink, not daring to look anyone in the eye

I sat down in front of him, looking at the bar.

No one dared to speak until the food (which he ordered) arrived

"So.. Antvenom, I want that job you offered me" I said and drank some of my glass (both in flashback and in reality)

"Please, if we're going to be partners call me Hank" he smiled and ate some

" Hankvenom? Strange but okay the way you want" I shrugged "Are you aware of what you are putting yourself in? Working with me"

"I'm aware, you have anger issues and I will not start talking about the weapon you carry all the time" Hank said and smiled "I'm sure it's going to work out"

"How do you know about the weapon? I never mentioned it" I looked at him suspiciously

"I have good sources" he smiled slyly

"What else have your sources told you?" I demanded from Hank to tell, putting my hand ready on the weapon

In the background began to play music that he thought was pleasant, but I did not like so much and asked to transfer

"A lot, for example ... the fact that--" I interrupted the story and saw that the others were not with me I looked towards the door and I saw a girl who looked 16 years old with curly brown hair

" Who are you?" Ted asked

"My name is Blueberry... ... and I think I'm in the wrong house" she said and surveyed us all She realized that Cooper was playing with a knife and ran away

"Someone go close the door please" I sighed and looked back at the glass

In the background began to play music that he thought was pleasant, but I did not like so much and asked to transfer

"A lot, for example ... the fact that your health condition is on the floor. I'm not a doctor but I think you have a problem with alcoholism" Hank said and laughed.

"Can I replace the song? It's really jarring," I said

"You do not like it? It's STAL of C418" Hank looked at me with the question "It's an amazing song, one of my favorites"

"Turn it off" I said angrily, the music itched in my ears. Alcoholism or no alcoholism My hand shook as I pulled out the gun but hid it under the table

"Shall we go back to business?" He asked

"I can not go back to business when there is music that fucking is ringing in my ears !!" I shouted and shot at the nearby record machine, unfortunately the music became just more annoying

"Hey hey calm down!" Hank hurried to say angrily

We both stood up and aimed guns at each other

"You'll miss" Hank was confident and fired in my direction I moved my head a little so that he missed and hit my horn

I raised my hand and touched the socket created there

I shot him in the hand and his gun flew and after that I aimed the gun at the hank holding his bleeding hand

There was a moment of hesitation because after all I could have had a good career with him

I fired a ball, Hank tried to dodge but moved in the wrong direction and the ball went right into his heart

The glass in my hand shattered with anger, that's what brought me back to reality

Everyone was still stunned but Travis and Noah wanted to bring bandages

I looked in the direction of my hand, full of broken glass and blood

"So that's about the story, after the whole funeral I set up my company that you know today" I looked up at Alex with pity "The only ones I did not want to hear it were the boy and Alex because I knew it would be what would break them"

Every action has consequences

Especially for mine

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