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When she read the letter, Elara had a lot of complicated feelings. Between him asking her to be his prom date to him asking about meeting each other. Elara knew somethings had been left unsaid for far too long, and she didn't know what to say; this caused her some heart brake. Elara sat with the letter reading it over and over, trying to think of her reply. Her mind fell blank each time. One day as she sat at the window at the top of her stairs, looking out on the land as a subtle fog grazed the fields. Elara blissfully in a daydream state, with a notebook and pen on her lap. As she tapped her pen on the paper monotonously. The words came to her, the ones that would make for perfect answers to her problem.

'Dear Charlie,

The idea that you are not going to prom with a date is a little awkward. But yes, this weekend, I celebrated with you l; I got my playlist of favorite songs on repeat and had many bottles of beer. My brother and Dad even joined me o some of the celebrations. But Charlie, this letter hasn't been easy to write, not for any reason but my own personal problems. When you asked to meet, I am also curious about what you look like and sound like. But I feel that I can not promise a meeting between us for now; I have some personal issues that I think u need to determine before I can do so.

If I can meet in another two months, I am hoping to know a little more about my situation by then. I am sorry if this letter had left you a little hurt. But I think I need to be honest with you as a friend. The farm is doing well here, and I seem to be roped in now I have finished College; my brother is happy to have the help, especially 9n the more rainy days. Tonight I am writing from the window seat, looking ours on fog that settles. My music hadn't been playing much. Lately, I am hoping to be in the mood for more soon. I hope you won't forget to ask me in two months, Charlie.

Talk to you soon,

your best stranger, El xx.'

Once Elara finished and place it in the envelope, she then walked down her creaky wooden stairs and set it on her large, worn kitchen table. To be picked up by her Dad in the morning. The night came and went for Elara, and she had another appointment the next morning. Her Dad waking her up early to take her was a pitiful sight for anyone. Nothing ever really got Elara out of bed these days; for her, it was an effort; like every muscle ached and every lib felt heavy. Reluctantly she would finally emerge from her room liking pale and fragile, with a petite figure.

But as that was happening in the fletcher house, across the globe in New York, Charlie's day hadn't even begun. But as he lay in bed, wide awaking knowing that he had to work in the morning at target. He couldn't help but think about Elara and what she would be doing right now. She had been on his mind a lot more often ever since he sent the letter. The anticipation for him was invariable; he hoped she would say yes to the meeting someday; he didn't care if it was this year or even in many years, Charlie just knew one thing was for sure. He felt a connection to her that was now full of wounder and unfounded lust. Charlie smiled every time a new variation of her face came into his mind. His thoughts landed him downstairs in his somewhat claustrophobic kitchen, where he ended up making himself a black coffee, exactly the way he liked it. Making sure it was the right temperature and the correct distance from the tip of the mug.

Finally raking a sip, he then walked back out and down the hallway. He proceeded to go back to his room and read a comic book while he drank the warm coffee. As he did, he rested the coffee cup on his thigh after every sip, and on occasion, scraped his hair from his face by using his large hands to remove a strand. Finally, the coffee was gone, and the comic book was read. Charlie had no choice but to resign and attempt to sleep once more. This time the world seemed to soothe him in and drift him into asleep. Suddenly he woke up to an outrageous and panicking sound of an alarm. It was his phone time to get up and start a day; he never usually slept into his alarm. Today was different; for some reason, there were no sounds from the kitchen where his mum usually cooked her breakfast each morning. No sound of his brother either. Charlie didn't care; he continued to get dressed into his redshirt and baggy trousers for work. He then went downstairs, grabbed an apple, picked up his bag, and left the house. Finding himself now at work, he clicked himself on and got to stocking shelves and helping customers.

Having the odd awkward conversation with someone he knew from school. The day was something of an average day, with many issues that needed resolving. Charlie had no problems with fixing it. He was the resident tech helper; later that day, Charlie met up with Nate. The pair decided to go and get some food and go over to Nate's for a horror movie night. It was one of the best movie nights they had ever had in all their years. "You were so scared; you should have seen your face, Nate." Charlie chuckled as he threw more popcorn in his mouth, and Nate looked at him unimpressed. "I was not; you were definitely terrified when the saw came out!" Nate responded in retaliation to Charlie's accusations. The pair watched until they had both fallen asleep exhausted from the mindless action of watching TV. 

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