Chapter 26

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Ava had never been more excited than she was now, standing at the altar opposite Connor in her snow-white wedding dress. Looking into his eyes, it seemed to her that it was all an extraordinarily happy dream - everything was so incredible.

Ava had been busy with the cooking all morning, counting on Natalie's help. She even began to feel out of place in a pre-selected dress that emphasized a rounded stomach, although before that everything was fine with her. Nat was reassuring, knowing how fickle a pregnant woman's mood was, especially when she was excited about such an important event. How much effort was spent on hair styling. 

Now, with all the commotion gone, Ava listened with a sinking heart to Connor's vow. She could not hold back the tears that came out, stammering several times, saying her words of love to him in return. As soon as they exchanged rings, Ava, still aware, kept her eyes on the hand.

"Honey, I love you" Connor said, drawing her attention back to him, smiling happily as he wrapped his arms around her, joining her in their first kiss as husband and wife.

The main stage of the wedding was over, and Ava was dragged to her by Natalie and April, emotionally congratulating her. With a quick glance at Connor, who was laughing and surrounded by Will Ethan and the other men, she relaxed.

"I hope you weren't thinking of leaving us" Natalie said suspiciously, narrowing her eyes as if she knew everything.

"Actually, it was a secret" Ava agreed with a laugh, steadfastly withstanding the mock displeasure on her friends' faces.

"Then have a good time, newlyweds" Maggie winked cryptically, always able to embarrass Ava.

After a few more minutes, Ava headed for the exit. Waving to Connor to wait outside, she was relieved to be out in the fresh air, pulling a warm coat over her dress. She needed fresh air. Occasional bouts of nausea made themselves felt, and her salvation was the open area, away from the oppressive rooms.

Involuntarily putting her hand on her stomach, Ava smiled, barely audible saying: "Baby, now your parents are a real family".

"Congratulations, Dr. Bekker" an all-too-familiar voice said from behind her, shackling her body. "Or, can I call you Dr. Rhodes?" 

Abruptly, Ava turned to face the man she least wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?" no matter how hard Ava tried to hide her fear, she wasn't very good at it.

"Just wanted to congratulate my son" Cornelius replied smugly, taking a step forward, closing the already small distance, staring intently at Ava's belly. "Besides, I'm going to be a grandfather soon". 

The obvious fact that Cornelius would be the grandfather of their child somehow shocked Ava. She didn't know what to say, only opening and closing her mouth several times in silence. Ava gave him a dismissive look and started to leave, but he blocked her path.

"Leaving already? I wanted to be nostalgic about our date that night" Cornelius said tartly, enjoying the way Ava's face paled and her hands trembled. "I still remember how wet you were under your underwear".

"Disgusting bastard, rot in hell!" Ava blurted out in one breath, slapping him across the face in the same second, rushing in the opposite direction, clutching the hem of her dress tightly. 

Grinning, Cornelius rubbed his cheekbone as Connor came out, looking for his wife.

"She left in such a hurry" Cornelius said in mock surprise, standing to the side.

"What did you do?!" grabbing him by the front of his shirt, Connor hissed angrily as a red mark appeared on his face. "What?!"

"Connor, calm down" Ethan quickly pulled his friend back, holding his elbow so as not to attract the attention of curious passers-by.

"Just congratulations" the intruder replied in a monotone, and then he moved to the car, smiling broadly.

"I hate him so much" Connor breathed, clenching his fists, staying put only because of Ethan. Hastily dialing Ava's number, he waited excitedly for an answer, not breathing, listening to the nasty long beeps.

"Ava? Where are you?" he spoke immediately when his little girl answered.

"In the park" she whispered faintly, stifling an unnecessary sob.

Sitting on the far bench, wrapped in her coat, Ava still felt uncomfortably cold. Her wet cheeks were weathered, as were her lips. Her fingers curled around the part of her dress, and she stared at the bright, shining ring, mentally calming herself. Which Ava regretted, so she ran away, unable to withstand Cornelius's further vile slander. Although at the same time, she was proud that she was able to hit him.

"Ava! Dear!" Connor ran to her and crouched down, resting his hands on her icy hands. "Let's get in the car, now".  

Connor took Ava by the elbow and led her into the warmth. He slid her into the front seat and returned to the wheel. He smoothed out the blanket and carefully covered his little girl with it, holding her close, running his hands soothingly over her back. They were silent for a couple of minutes. Connor listened intently to Ava's breathing, noticing that she was relieved. 

"You can't freeze, you and the baby" Connor breathed softly, moving his hand to her belly.

"I know... I'm sorry" Ava whispered guiltily, burying herself in Connor's warmth.

"What did he do?" he also asked softly, immediately feeling Ava's body stiffen. "Avey, don't be afraid, I'm with you". 

"He reminded me that he was going to be a grandfather soon" Ava said desperately, knowing that it was invariable, and it made her feel sick.

"Freak" Connor swore, gritting his teeth. He had thought about it himself, but he knew that he would not let this terrible man near his daughter. "He'll never get close to her, Avey, I promise". 

"And then what do I do... What should I'll tell her then? That your grandfather tried to rape me?" Ava forced herself to say, squeezing into Connor's arms.

"We'll figure something out, Avey" trying to calm her down, Connor put his hands on her cheeks, looking into her tear-stained eyes. "What else did he say to you?"

"Jesus, Connor, I can't. It's disgusting" she stammered, leaning back wearily in her seat, her hands pressed to her face, adding huskily, knowing she would have to anyway: "That he remembers how wet I was when he got into my underwear". 

"Shit, it's not enough for him to be removed from the council, so he's still running into trouble" Connor spat angrily, immediately calming down so as not to frighten Ava, turning to her, pulling her back to him.  

"He's no longer on the hospital council?" Ava was surprised only to notice that she hadn't met Cornelius at work since his outspoken confession about his harassment of her.

"Yes, I took care of it" Connor confirmed, remembering how he had threatened Cornelius that he would expose the attempted rape to the press if he didn't leave the hospital. Of course, he was bluffing, knowing that he would never subject Ava to such a procedure, but his father fell for it. "Now, I'll make sure he doesn't come near you. Never."

"Thank you" Ava whispered gratefully, snuggling closer to her husband.

"My girl, everything will be fine" he assured her, kissing her gently, not letting go of her embrace. "Now let's go celebrate our day, Mrs. Rhodes?"

"With pleasure" biting her lower lip, Ava agreed, immediately beaming at hearing such an unusual and simultaneously beautiful address. She had become a married woman, and nothing else mattered. Just her and Connor.

Smiling happily, Ava squeezed Connor's hand, looking into his eyes: "I love you, my world".

"I love you, my beautiful girl" he said softly, kissing her wrist.  

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