•𝕶𝖆𝖙𝖍𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖓 •

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I was great full but I didn't know why I was still here. I've been though hell. I watched my whole family be ripped apart for the Terrors. I've been alone and cold for months. I was living under a huge tree until I was spotted by a man. Aaron saved me that day. But now that I was with people again they of course would always look at me. I know it's because of my eyes. I had one the was bright green like the shine off of a jade stone and the other was sky blue like on a day with no clouds in the sky. I stayed with Aaron from time to time but mostly I loved sleeping under the stars on the rooftops of homes. No one could keep me inside even if I needed too. I know deep down that there is something or someone waiting for me. I just wish I knew. It's been a week in a half since I came. I was closest to Enid she was always climbing the rooftops with me.
I woke up in a soft bed in Aaron's house. I stretched out of bed. Then got dressed in my day clothes. I looked out the window in the room and saw the dawn rising through. I opened the window and climbed out and started to slowly get half way down then jumped down from the house. Then I heard someone walk past me.
Kathleen! You know you don't have to climb out your window there is a door right here. Diana yelled as I waved and kept running. I loved the feeling of running. The light breezing gliding through my messy auburn hair. I never knew where I was running to. Sometimes I would just end up somewhere that I know an just took a minute to breath in the smells of this broken dull world we live in. This time I ended up at a little pond. I crouched down to the water and took my pink laced sneakers off then lifted my light blue bell-bottom pants up to my knees. And walked into the water. I let the light rocky sand scrape my feet. I saw a couple goldfish and a couple other fish until I heard someone say my name.
Kathleen get out of there your going to get sick. It to cold in there right know. Jessie said running towards me. I walked out of the water. Jessie grabbed my hands and sneakers. An we walked to her house that was right by the little pond. We got into her house as I stood at the welcome mat. My legs dripped with cold water. As I looked at my toes wiggling i heard Jessie running up to me with a white fluffy towel.
What were you thinking? Jessie shook her head. You can't just go into the ice cold water at 7:00 in the morning. Jessie said rubbing the warm towel up and down my legs.
Sorry Miss Jessie, I just wasn't thinking. I said keeping my head down.
It okay hun just remember that. So you don't get sick. Here come on let's fix that hair of yours. Jessie said as she grabbed my hand a hair tie from the counter. I sat on the couch as Jessie tied my hair up into a ponytail. But as my slight curtain bangs hung down my face. Once she was done. I thanked her then put my pink sneakers on. I walked out the I heard the front gate of Alexandria open. I ran towards the sound. I hid by a tree so no one could see me. I saw Aaron walking with Eric but Eric was limping. Then a whole group of people were walking behind him. The one that caught my eye was the guy who was carrying a baby. He was tall an he had a huge beard and he had a red handled machete in his right holster. I could tell he was very powerful and important. The leader of this unknown group.

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