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Rick and everyone walked into the so called place Alexandria. The save zone. I didn't know what to expect. I held Judith in my arms as she cooed. I walked in front of my family. Then there was a bang beside us. We all held our guns up as it was only a possum, well now a dead possum cause of Daryl.
Then the gate opened little more. There was another man there.
We brought dinner. Daryl said holding up the arrow torn possum by its tail.
It stayed quiet for a minute until Aaron spoke up.
It's okay. Come on in guys. Aaron waved in to use. We all walked in as Aaron and the other man backed up. We walked in to a perfect non-destroyed area of residence. We didn't see any people yet until Maggie and Glenn were staring at a tree I looked closer to see why, and turns out there was a little girl staring at us behind that tree. Aaron seemed to notice as well. He smiled.
Kathleen come here why don't you meet these people. There like you. Aaron said waving to her as I wondered how she was like us. Then the little girl came shyly running to Aaron and us.
Then the other man spoke up.
Before you step any further I need you to hand over you guns. You stay you hand them over. He said with nervous eyes. We don't know if we want to say. I said stepping forward. Aaron gave me a look. It's okay. It's fine Nichols. He said. If we were going to use them, we would have stared already. I said moving Judith to my other arm.
Nichols just let them talk to Diana first. In fact Rick why don't you go first. Aaron said. Then Abraham spoke up.
Who's Diana?! He yelled. She's can tell you everything you want to know about this place. Aaron said the looked at me. Then we all heard a grown from the gates, and something behind it. We turned around. Sasha! I said and with that I gave her the signal to shoot the walker. As she did the other man Nichols jumped. He must have not ever seen a exact shot.
Glad we are here. I said with a huff.
So everyone this is Kathleen she came in about two weeks ago she was just like you all except alone and frightened. I actually found her. She's very kind once you get to know here. Aaron said rubbing the child's back.
Nice to meet you kid. Glad we have a thing or two in common. I said as she smiled a bit. Then we all started walking towards the place they call Diana's house. She must be in charge around here.
Once I handed Carl Judith I went inside, the rest of the group went to a nice building were they keep there supplies. A lady came out with a grey cart.
Now if you please don't mind handing you guns over for now. But you all can see them when you would like when ever your beyond the wall. Aaron said as we cooperated. Once we all gave up our guns I came out an did the same.
Ha should've gotten another cart. The women said then pulled the cart away with all there guns. Then Aaron had a surprise for us. We walked to two huge houses that were like mansions.
Both of them I said with disbelief. At your disposal. I would call dibs on this one. Aaron pointed to the grey one.
It's got more curb appeal. Listen, I know your still feeling us out. But I'm glad you came. Anyway, Diana has asked everyone to give you your space. So our people aren't all coming at you all at once. Umm take you time. Explore, need anything I'm four houses done. Aaron said with a smile.
Thank you. Carl said as Aaron walked off. Carl an I went into the curb side house. It was huge. With a gorgeous living room and a fancy kitchen. Then Carl went over to the sink and turned it on. He shrugged with a smile.

Meanwhile with Maggie,

Glenn, Carol, and I checked out the other house.
This is a fantasy, this can't be real. Carol said. It just isn't. I said with disbelief. I grabbed a blanket from the table and smelt the detergent from it being washed. I breathing in an out the amazing smell. Glenn an I decided to go upstairs into the master. I walked into the bathroom and saw the huge shower that could fit probably six people. I opened one of the sliding doors. An turned the faucet on an turned it towards hot. There was running water with temperature change. Glenn an I both laughed. So we both decided to get in together.

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