3.|🌦️| Alchemy & Botany

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This was requested by poppinisperfection go check them out. They are an amazing person. Anyways, I hope you enjoy this. Sorry this took so long! I have been really busy with school. I hope the wait was worth it though. Also, please vote and comment on this. It'd really help me with my confidence and would motivate me in posting more oneshots.

Warning: A little bit of angst


Plants are a very important thing that life gifts us. In fact, life would be very different without plants. They absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen from their leaves in which us living beings need to breathe. Now you might be wondering; why on earth is she talking so much about plants? Well, I'm technically the royal botanist. I study plants for living.

My mother owned a flower shop and taught me a lot about plants ever since I was a child. That's pretty much the reason what sparked my interest in botany. I'm great friends with Queen Rapunzel which lead me to have the job of being the Royal Botanist. So I spent my time out of Old Corona.

But despite being the Royal Botanist I still get to help my mom out with her flower shop. As for my father there's not much to say than he passed away from influenza when I was at the age of five. Sad, I know.


"Morning, Mother." You greeted with a small wave, your other hand held a basket of flowers you had picked from the garden. "Good morning, sweetheart." Your mother greeted back, watching you place the basket down on the counter from the corner of her eye.

"You see dear, Queen Rapunzel requested some bouquets for an upcoming event." Your mother stated, taking the basket of flowers. "So I'll be busy in the back room preparing those. Mind watching over the shop?"

"Sure, Mom."

It was quiet and lonely in the shop sometimes. But you didn't mind. You pulled out your journal from your satchel and sat it down on the counter. The cover was simple. I was just a black leather material so it was nothing special. You took notes over studies of plants in this journal from time to time. And since you were studying different types of flowers you thought it would be a great time to jot some notes down in your journal.

A sudden faint knock on the window startled you. There at the window stood Varian from the outside. He had a dorky smile on his face and he gave a small wave. You couldn't help but smile with pure amusement. So you walked outside to greet him. You and Varian had been friends ever since your were little so you knew each other well. However, you were unaware of the crush he had on you.

"The door was open, you know." You crossed your arms and playfully rolled your eyes at him. "I know, I just thought I'd surprise you." He gave you that famous smile that you knew no one else could rival.

"So why are you here? Need a certain plant?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Not in particular, just a couple of flowers for an experiment."

An experiment? Why would Varian need flowers for an experiment? So curiousity got the best of you and you just had to ask. "What kind of experiment?"

"You see, I'm trying to figure out a solution to keep plants alive during the winter with the science of modern alchemy." He explained. "Because when it gets colder and starts to snow all plants start to lose life."

"So what you're saying is; your trying to make plants immortal?" His explanation confused you a little. But his knowledge of science was impressive to say the least. "Well I wouldn't say 'immortal' to be exact." Varian used air quotes when he repeated the word: immortal. "It's more like, making plants immune to the freezing weather."

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