7.|★| Sea Monsters [Pt1]

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Oh wow, guys I actually wrote something! Anyways this oneshot was inspired by Disney Pixar's Luca, enjoy.

Mother had always tried to keep you away from the surface above. And whenever you tried to protest she'd always use the excuse "Mother knows best." It was annoying honestly, not being able to experience the life of being a human being was sufferable. Now don't get it wrong, you loved the sea. It was your home and you couldn't hate it, but you lived here for so long that it felt small.

Every night, you'd lay in bed and daydream about seeing every single thing the world had to offer. But unfortunately, sea monsters were meant to be kept hidden under the water. Hidden from the humans on land and shore. You had stayed under the sea for most of your entire life until you began to rebel against your parents rules by going up to the surface.

Ever since you've been to the surface, you've met this boy. He had crystal blue eyes and dark hair with a blue streak through his bangs. His name was Varian. And turns out he was a sea monster, like you.

You thought your parents would never found out about you going up to the surface but unfortunately, they did. And you got into some major trouble.

"Uh..." You nervously gripped onto your scaly tail as your mother gave you a stern look with her arms crossed.

"M/n, do we really need to go through with this?" Your dad said. "W-with what?" You stuttered out, fearing the worst. "Uh, Y/n, you're in big trouble. You need to promise us that you'll never sneak off to the surface again." He stated sternly.

"Uh, I'm really sorry." You apologized, but you didn't regret any of your actions of going up to the surface. "But, you know, it's not that dangerous up there. Maybe I could show you." You said as you kept fidgeting with your tail.

"I told you. Our daughter has a death wish." Mother exclaimed as she looked over to your father. "But, Mom, we're always careful!" You blurted out. Your eyes widened as you covered your mouth. You regretted every word you had just said.

"We?!" They both exclaimed in unison.

"Me and my friend, Varian." You said as you uncovered your mouth. "But it's okay, he's one of us."

"Ah, yes. There's usually a bad influence." An unfamiliar voice said from behind you, grabbing your attention. "Good thing you sent for me when you did huh?"

"Y/n, this is my brother, your Uncle Ugo." Your father introduced the weird sea monster that you could clearly see through. I'm not kidding, he was actually see through. You could literally see his organs. And this weirded you out.

"Thanks again for coming all this way on such a short notice." Your mother said as your uncle turned to face you. "Hello, Y/n it's really nice to..." Your uncle started but got cut off by him choking. Suddenly his choking soon turned into stifled whining which concerned you.

"Y/n, I need you to punch his heart." You looked at your father hesitantly as you prepared yourself to punch your uncle. "That's right. The red thing. Punch it."

You lightly punched your uncles heart. Nothing happened.


"Oh.." You punched his heart again but with more force this time. "Thanks for that. Too much oxygen up here." Uncle Ugo thanked. You were honestly confused by this guy. Why did he just randomly start choking like that?

"Not like the deep. As you'll learn." Uncle Ugo laughs. You only stared at him with a puzzled look. What did he mean by that? "What?" You asked with a confused tone in your voice. Your uncle then rambles on what it's like to live in the deep part of the ocean. And if you were to be honest. It didn't sound very pleasing. I mean, how can one live without sunlight?

"Come on. No time to waste!" Uncle Ugo exclaimed as he clasped his hands together, signaling that it was time for you to get going. "Mom, what does he mean?" You asked as you turned to look your mother in the eyes.

"You're going to stay with Uncle Ugo for the rest of the season." Mother answered. "N-No, I can't!" You protested. "Two seasons, then. Wanna go for three?"

"Why are you doing this?" You exclaimed, not understanding the reasoning for your mother sending you to the deep. She was trying to keep you away from everything you loved. You weren't going to let her take all of that away from you.

"The world is a very dangerous place Y/n." She tried to reason as she cupped your cheeks. "And if I have to send you to the bottom of the ocean to keep you safe, so be it."

"You don't know what it's like up there!" You argued back, but you got shut back down. "I know you. And I know what's best for you. It's done." She stated as she cupped your cheeks again. "Hey. Look me in the eye. You know I love you right?" She questioned. You only let out an angry grunt in response and swam into the another room before deciding to head up to the surface.


"They're sending me to the deep! To live with my weird see-through uncle! What do I do?" You exclaimed, pleading help from Varian. Varian only looked at you and shrugged. "Stay?" He suggested in a questioning tone.

"Up here? They'll come looking for me." You stated. Varian thought for a moment, you might have a point there. But he wasn't entirely sure if they'll actually come looking for you. "Okay that may be true. But will they come looking for you over there?" Varian said as he pointed over to the large town that looked busy and full of humans.

"No way. That's crazy!" You exclaimed.

"I mean, that place must be full of Vespas. There's gotta be one for us."

"Huh. A real Vespa." You couldn't help but smile at the thought of actually owning a real Vespa. "But could we even survive over there?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"You and me? Oh yeah, we can do anything." He said with confidence. "We'd swim right over to Vespatown, track down Signor Vespa,"

"Wait. Do you really think there's a Signor Vespa?" You asked with excitement, if this were an anime he could've probably see stars shining in your bright e/c eyes.

"Makes sense, right?" He asked, you nodded furiously. "Yes. Continue."

"And we say, 'Signor Vespa, build us one of these!'." Varian said as he proudly held up a drawing of a Vespa. You grabbed the drawing from him and looked at it. "Whoa. This is the greatest drawing I've ever seen!"

"Yeah, I know. Y/n, think about it. Every day, we'll ride someplace new, and every night we'll sleep under the fish. No one to tell us what to do. Just you and me out there. Free."

Maybe going over to the human town might not be so bad after all. All you have to do is avoid getting wet right? I mean it can't be that hard.

Stopping here for now because this is getting a bit too long. This oneshot may have multiple parts. I hoped you enjoy this, have a good day.

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