6.|💖|Serendipity (Short)

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(I had no idea where I was going with this.)

the occurrence and development of events by a chance in a happy or beneficial way.


You've always had a interest of astrology. And whenever you weren't busy shadowing your parents, the king and queen in the court room helping out Corona's citizens. You always found the time to chart stars and constellations that you have observed from the previous night.

But the brightest thing in the night sky that you felt bonded to was the moon. Perhaps it was the way it lit up the twinkling star-filled night sky or the beauty of it. You were never really sure. Either way studying the night sky every night on your balcony brought you an endless amount of joy.

And oh, you couldn't possibly forget Varian, your best friend since childhood. He was also into science. Though he studied a different branch. Alchemy in fact. Those big words he'd always use when observing chemical reactions confused you. Nevertheless he had no problem in teaching you those big scientific terms. And sometimes you'd do the same.

"Careful starlight, hydrogen peroxide is extremely explosive." He stated as he moved the seemingly dangerous chemical over to the side so that you wont accidentally knock it over. You couldn't help but smile at the nickname he gave you.

"I think your over exaggerating the word 'extremely' there Varian." You couldn't take his dorkiness seriously sometimes. Which just results in Varian rolling his eyes at you.

"Well don't say I didn't warn you if you end up accidentally causing a fire with it." He joked. "Var, you're being a bit of a hypocrite considering you cause fires most of the time." You smirked, your playful comeback making him blush with embarrassment.

With the majority of time you two spend together, are you even friends at this point? Or are you something more than just that?

"Y-You're not wrong I suppose." Varian stuttered, a small awkward chuckle escaping his lips. "But seriously though, be careful." He warned while you just roll your eyes.

"You know, you're pretty cute when you're all focused like that."

Varian stopped in his tracks and looked at you. A confused look painted on his face. His cheeks about fifty shades of red. Suddenly you began to feel heat rise up in your cheeks as he stared at you.

"I-I'm what?"

"You're cute." You admitted quietly in a mumble as you fiddled with your fingers nervously.

The two of you were drowned in silence as you looked each other the eye. And let's just say the two of you were speechless. That is until Varian decided to break that silence.

"And I love you."

You felt your breath hitch in your throat at his words. Your heart skipping beats as they go. He loved you? Since when? How? Why? These swirling emotions in your mind were so confusing.

Yes, you felt happy that Varian loved you, but you just weren't sure if he actually meant it.

"You mean that right? You're not just saying that?" You bit down on your lip, waiting for him to answer. "Of course I meant that, Y/N. And if I have to prove it to make you believe me then I will."

Without hesitation, he pulled you closer to him. His gloved hand cupping your cheek as he absentmindedly gazed into your eyes. Suddenly, a pair of warm soft lips crashed into yours. And you didn't pull away. The kiss felt electrifying. And your brain felt as though it were short circuiting.

After awhile you pulled away and looked at each other. "Does this mean you and I are a thing now?" You asked. "Sure does starlight." He answered.

"I love you Varian."

"I love you too Y/N."


Hey author here, sorry for not posting much. I've been busy with online school. Plus my creative mind has been at an all time low. Hope you can forgive me for that. Since it's summer break for me I'll be much more active.

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