4.|★| Snow Queen [Pt1]

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This was just an idea that occurred to ny mind after rewatching Frozen and it's sequel. In this au, Varian will have the role of Anna while you'll have the role of Elsa.

Type: Frozen Au

Warning: Angst, fear, and mentions anxiety


For the first time in forever, you had opened the gates for your coronation. For all you could remember for the past few years of your life, you've been isolated from the world, even your childhood friend.

The last time you remembered the kingdom gates being wide open was when your parents were still alive. And ever since you struck Varian with your magic, the gates had to be closed shut. It was an accident. You were so young, you didn't mean to harm bim with your powers of ice and snow. You had no control of the magic that you possessed.

And all the time you spent in isolation all you thought of was the incident that occurred that morning.

Important people from different kingdoms sat in the cathedral as a choir sang a traditional song.

You lowered your head as the bishop placed a golden crown on your head, crowning you as Queen of Corona. Without hesitation, you reached for the orb and scepter that sat on a velvet pillow the bishop held in his hands.

With that, the crowd stood up.

The bishop cleared his throat, grabbing your attention. "Your Majesty, the gloves."

You glanced down at the cyan gloves that covered your hands and slowly slipped them off with hesitation.

You placed your gloves down on the pillow. With a shaky breath, your shaky hands reached for the objects before turning to face the crowd in front of her.


You could feel your heart beating rapidly against your chest. Right now you couldn't make a mistake, nor let your concentration break. This was the very moment you dreaded the most. You practiced every single day for this exact moment. So why did it seem so hard?

"As the undoubted Queen, ruler, governor, and keeper of the doctrine and laws of this Kingdom, thereof from this day..."

Don't feel...

Your breathing became heavy as you felt cold ice pressing up against the palms of your shaking hands. Slowly, you looked down.

Conceal, don't feel...

Your eyes widened as as the cold ice from your bare hands began to spread onto the objects you held. And so, you looked back up at the crowd as you held your breath.

Don't feel!

"...from this day forward, I present to you, Her Majesty, Queen Y/N of Corona."

You swiftly placed the objects back down and slipped your gloves back on, letting out a sigh of relief that now you got the hardest part of the coronation done and over with. You felt relaxed. Like all the stress you felt within the moment disappeared. Thus, you couldn't help but smile nor could you stop. How strange.


Now, you were standing there in the ballroom, looking regal, serious, and mature. The sound of festive music and the sent of warm chocolate filled the air.

So this was what a party looked like? You glanced around as the party guests danced to the music. With the music playing, you were oblivious to the sounds of footsteps.

"I'm sorry for not showing up to the party later than expected." A familiar voice said, grabbing your attention.

You turned your head to see Varian standing besides you. A gentle smile formed across your lips. "It's okay." You chuckled, happy to see him after all these years of being separated from him.

"So, this was what it's like to experience a party?" Varian said, his crystal blue eyes full with wonder. Since his dad was a royal guard he lived in the castle. So he wasn't used to attending parties.

"It's warmer than I thought..." You pointed out.

He looked at you, nodding his head in agreement. "I know, and it feels so alive." He added on to your statement. "I wish it could be like this all the time."

"I do too, Varian." Your expression faltered as you remembered the terrible incident that happened between the both of you. "B-But it can't..." You said with a disappointed tone in your voice.

"But why not? You're the Queen now! You can change the rules! And no one can stop you from doing so." Varian replied in an attempt to convince you to open up the gates so it could be like this all the time. And as much as you wanted, you just couldn't.

I guess you could change the rules. But not for the reasons they are in place. You just wished you could tell him the truth and show him what was behind that door you kept hidden from him. Yet, you had to keep cautious.

It was dangerous to have those thoughts. You were just dangerous standing there for everyone to see. Who knows how dangerous you'd turn out to be if you let go of those rules?

You just couldn't...

"It just CAN'T!" You exclaimed, your sudden outburst making him flinch and blink in shock. Varian just stood there in silence, staring at you with wide eyes. You crossed your arms in attempt to hide your hands despite them being gloved. "I-I'm sorry..." You apologized, quickly noticing the shocked expression he wore.

"No, I'm sorry." He says sternly, his face went form shock to hurt. "Excuse me for a moment..." He sniffed, tears staring to form in the corners of his eyes. With that, he began to walk away, needing a moment to compose himself.

You watched as he walked away with a look of guilt and sadness on your face. Maybe yelling at him was a bit ot harsh on your part. It wasn't like you meant to yell at him. You were just filled with anxiety then.


This will be a multiple part series.

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