Chapter 12

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*~Josh's POV~*

It was around 12pm now. The boys and I were just getting ready to leave for Eddie's house to try to start and end this whole nightmare. We didn't need to much more preparation now. Just the normal stuff we need now, like checking over if we have everything we need. Since there was five we will be traveling in 2 different cars. Grant's and Eddie's. Mully is going in Eddie's car, where as Gaege and I will be going in Grant's. Since Grant's car has the meds that Gaege and I need it would be best to be with him. The ride was rather quiet. Grant was focusing on driving. Gaege and I didn't have much to say either. That was until Grant broke the silence.

"So Gaege, uhm. I've been meaning to ask. When you saw that.... thing yesterday and the same thing in your dream, what else did it tell you?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the road. Gaege sighed. 

"Well, I'll be honest. When I was talking to that thing its didn't seem 100% friendly, but it simply said that there will be a paper we'll need to find. Maybe the paper will have a hint?" He said. I sighed.

"That.... sound sketchy." I said. Gaege just nodded.

~Time Skip~

*~Eddie's POV~*

We finally arrived at my house. The lights were on inside the house. As Grant's car pulled up behind mine I walked up to the door an unlocked the door. The rest of the boys were still at the car getting their stuff. I opened the door.

"Hello?" I said. Someone peeked their hear around the coner.

"Eddie?" They said.

"Gabby? Why are you home?" I asked. She ran up to me a gave me a hug. I hugged her back.

""I was worried about you idiot. How are you? You okay?" She asked. I hesitated.

"Well things haven't been grate but-" Before I could finish my sentence the boys walked in the door. Gabby looked at them with a small smile.

"Oh hi boys." She said. Slightly startled they waved back. Gabby's smile soon faded when she saw how tired everyone was. She looked at Gaege. "Eddie told me what happened to you. I hope you're feeling okay?" She said. He smile.

"Heh I've been better. Thanks for worrying though I guess." He replied. Then she looked at Josh and gasped and hit Eddie gently.

"You didn't tell me Josh was hurt." She said.

"Well it did just happen." Mully said. Gabby sighed.

"Sorry I'm acting like a mum." She said, letting everyone in now. "Please, If any of you need anything please tell me, okay?" She said. Most of us nodded as she walked away. Visco ran in the room and jumped onto the sofa next to Josh. He sniffed at his arm before be got on his lap and curled up. This was the first time we smiled at something in a long time....

~End Of Chapter 12~

Word Count: 498

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