Chapter 8

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*~Eddie's POV~*

I was running threw a dimly lit hall. I had no clue where the boys were at this point. We lost each other by the time we ran into this building. The building we were in felt somewhat familiar. I looked around at the fast moving scenery. It was an abandoned asylum. It was the exact same one we were in during the game. I looked back up in front of me. As my eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, my eyes widen.

"Josh?" I shouted. He didn't move. Nor did he respond. As I got closer to him, he slowly looked as if he was someone or something else. He turned to look at me, and I felt my blood run cold. It was Josh, however where his eyes should be were now holes that had blood dripping down out from them. They looked as if they were scratched out from the additional scratch marks across them. The scratches continued all over him. The was one in particular scratch that stood out to me though. He had a long deep cut going from his wrist to just above his elbow, on his left arm. I staggered back a cit.

"J-Josh?" I say again. Still nothing. Suddenly he lets out a demonic and high pitch scream that was slightly mixed with his own. I jump and cover my ears from the sudden loud noise. I look up at him. It seemed as if his wounds were now bleeding more now.

"Shut up, shut up!" I yell. He didn't stop. It seemed to get louder. I felt as if I couldn't breath. I was gasping desperately for air. I look at Josh one more time. That. Is not. My friend.

*End Of Nightmare*

I gasp suddenly as I sat up on the bean bag I was on. Looking around the room I sigh in relief to find I'm in Gaege's room. That moment is cut short when Gaege wake up the same way I did. I stand up and go to him. Placing a hand on his shoulder he looks at me, still rather scared.

"Nother nightmare?" I ask him. He sighed as he swung him legs of his bed so he was now sitting.

"Yeah." He said, looking down. I sat next to him, "I don't think I can do this much longer." He said. I look at him a bit shocked. His stare did not leave the floor. Before I could say anything we hear a scream, making us both jump. It sounded like Josh. We run out the room to go see whats wrong. Grant not too far behind us. Once we read the living room we see Josh sitting on the sofa with Mully sitting next to him. We run up to them.

"What the fuck just happened?!" Grant asked. Josh didn't respond. He just held one of his arms close to him.

"I don't know. Josh and I woke up and now his arm is hurting." Mully said. I gasp a little bit, Thankfully not to loud for they boys to hear. Grant walks closer to Josh, gesturing to let his look at his arm. He hesitates a bit but does show him. Grant gently lifts up Josh's sleeve to revel a long deep cut going from his wrist to just above his elbow.

"Holy Shit!" Mully muttered in shock. I step back a bit in panic. Gaege inadeptly run for the house phone to call an ambulance. Mully takes off his hoodie and wraps it tightly around Josh's arm. Josh, now in shock from what's happen, leans back on the sofa. His face now had no colour to it. At this point Grant and Mully are talking to Josh to try and keep him awake. Gaege tell us the ambulance is on its way. I'm not doing much to help but I just think, 'This is all my fault'.

*Time Skip*

*~Mully's POV~*

I can't believe the first night we stay here Josh gets hurt. Thankfully Josh didn't lose too much blood and all that was needed was stiches. His arm is wrapped in a bandage and he was prescribed with some pain meds. He was also give some new bandages for when this one gets dirty. Since we got taken to the hospital by an ambulance I had to order an uber to take is back. I quickly ordered one as Josh and I headed outside the hospital. I looked over at Josh. He looked very tired.

" want Josh you can take a nap once back at Gaege's. You seem like you need it." I said as we stopped in the car park. Josh looked at me a sighed.

"You have a point. I'm mostly just tired of all this." He said. Looking away from me and down at his hurt arm. It was silent for a bit.

"We'll figure it out soon. For now we just need to help eachother, mate. I'd hate to think what could be next." I added. Josh just nodded. We really need to figure this shit out soon. I dont want anyone else hurt.

~Time Skip~

Josh and I soon arrived back at Gaege's house. As we walk in we are immediately greeted by Grant, giving Josh a gentle hug.

"Where's Eddie and Gaege?" Josh asked. Grant stepped back from the hug.

"Gaege is on the sofa creating after he had taken his meds. As for Eddie he is in the kitchen. He is rather quite." He said. Josh and I look at each other before we walk over to the kitchen. Eddie is sitting at the table with a cut of coffee in his hands.

"Hey Eddie." Josh says, Eddie quickly looks up at us  "You okay?" Josh added. Eddie sigh and took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes gently.

"Thank fuck dawg. I really thought something worst would of happened." He said. Josh smile as gives him a one arm hug. Eddie hugs back before pulling away, "Heh sorry for being emotional." He added.

"Its okay we were all scared." Grant chimed in as he walked into the kitchen too.

"You know, I had a dream last night that Josh was hurt." Eddie said.

"So this shit is becoming Physical and not mental like what Gaege got." Grant said. I shrug.

"Maybe it's time to like.... reread the thing Gaege sent a while ago." I said. We all nod. Eddie gets up.

"Well Grant helped me with breakfast so we dont have an empty stomach." Eddie said, grabbing plate of food and giving them out. Josh stares blankly at his food.

"You okay Josh?" I ask. He looks at me sad.

"I can't cut my food." He said in a sad voice. We laugh at this. This is what we need right now.

~End Of Chapter 8~

Word Count: 1141

Sorry for the late update, I've been feeling down recently. I'm getting better tho so I'll try to get back to posting every weekend. That's all for now, hope you liked this Chapter. Bai <3

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