Brand New Start III

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"Colin, I have news to tell you," my therapist, Steve told me.

"My father broke out of prison and he going to come back and kill me!"


"I know you and Miss Earthus said he will forever stay in there but..."

I cannot help but be worry that Zarta is coming back and kill me. He promise he would. No matter how horrible person and father he is. He always kept a promise.

"-lin Colin Colin! Breathe in and breathe out." I am having an attack again. Why do I always be a burden to everybody.

You would think I was arrive the surface after being underwater more than 30 minutes with the way I was breathing you. Gradually my breathing became normal.

"Colin I thought you were ready but it seem like you not?" Steve question. Why would he question I am ready for whatever it was. I am failure. Useless. Stupid. Ugly.

"IF I HEAR YOU STAY SAID ONE MORE WORD BADLY ABOUT YOURSELF!" Tall man who look like he haven't shower in months yelled at me, on top of the door he have broken down.

Zarta's enemy walk in the room

and gently put her hand on Mario

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and gently put her hand on Mario. "Colin, my son, do not think negative about yourself."

"I-I so-sorry Miss Earthus," I apologize out of habit. Ms.Earthus glare at me. She have to be scarier than Zarat. "My son I am your mother don't talk to me as a stranger." She is scarier than Zarta but it not a type of fear Zarta infect of me. This is is... nice.

"You are family little bro!" a blonde girl with huge eye bag underneath her blue eyes.

I look at them to see if they are lying. Once again I found they really do see me as part of their family.

"You are a big baby," Mario tease as he gently whip away tears I had not notice fall down my face.

I pout at him and turn my head, "In two weeks I will be 19 and in my second year of Atlantide University!"

When Mario didn't reply, I immediately felt scare. Turned my head and looked at his eyes asking him no begging him to tell me what I am thinking it not true. Without even saying anything, the messy Senior made my fear come true. "I am not returning," I mumbled, close in tears.

I may have done horrible things because of Zarata, but it was the only place where I made friends and have felt like a normal person.

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