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It's been a month since me, sapnap and karl moved in with each other. We all share one big room and have three small rooms to stream in. It was a tuesday. sapnap is out getting us lunch, but later tonight we made plans to go out to eat, so i streamed a little early " so chat before i go-" the door swings open and karl comes in. "yeah babe?" I said. Karl just kept looking at the ground and slowly walked over to me. He wraps his arms around my neck, I turn off my facecam and turn my head to him "what's wrong" I said quietly.

He giggled and smiled "MeOw" i smiled and realized he only wanted a meow, so i gave it to him "mEoW" i chuckled and kissed him "honk off karl" i said throwing a pillow at him then i turn my head back to my chat and remember i'm live "oh sh-" i end the stream. And start thinking 'why did i meow. Why did I meow? thats a bad habit karls got me into' i sigh and got up. My face felt kinda hot, I knew I was blushing. I rubbed my hands on my face, walked out of the room and went to find karl "karl! Get the honk out here now!" i said, trying not to laugh.

Everything was silent. I looked around for him smiling."Ohhhhhh karrrllll" I said walking around. I could hear him giggling. I knew exactly how to get him out of hiding "SHAWN THIS IS YOUR HOUSE" i heard karl burst into laughter. "Found you~" I said looking at Karl under the couch. I knew when he meowed he knew what he was doing. sapnap busted the door open with mcdonalds in his hands. "Hubby" Karl said, coming out from under the couch and hugging sapnap.

"What took you so long?" i said kissing him and taking one of the bags. "Well I had to get the extra sauce." he said smiling. me and sapnap put the food on the counter and karl got drinks " a monster for me, a monster for quackity and a monster for sapnap'' karl said handing us all monsters."boo you know i don't drink monsters'' sapnap said smiling. "Oh sorry hubby" Karl said, getting a dr.pepper. They looked at me and I blushed, smiling "quackity, did you finish that whole thing already?!?!?!" sapnap said concerned

"yeah" karl and sapnap just kept looking at me. I looked at them and burst into laughter "anyway.... Where do you guys want to go to night?" I asked while eating my fries. "I don't really care. Anywhere's fine" sapnap said opening the sauce packets. "How about a fair?" karl said, opening his monster. I really didn't care and sapnap was fine as long as we stuck together. So after lunch and sapnap and karls streams we were going to the fair. I fed mittens before we left and gave her some toys. I gave her pats then left

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