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Trigger warning: panic attack

We finally got there. I held Karl and Sapnap's hand. When we got in dream ran towards us. "You guys finally got here," Dream said with a smile. "Hell yeah dude you think I'd leave you hanging" sapnap said patting Dream on the shoulder "now come on let's party" Karl said. Sapnap laughed and picked me and Karl up and put us on his shoulders "whHAt The HonK?!?" Karl said giggling. "You show off," Dream said, rolling his eyes and laughing. "Oh come on" sapnap said, mocking Dream.

We laughed then karaoke started. Me and Karl picked to sing the icarly theme song. "I know you see somehow the world will change me and be so wonderful." Me and Karl sang pointing at each other. Sapnap clapped and was jumping up and down. "Those are fiancés," sapnap said with a big smile. When we were done we all sat on a big chair. "Guys. I'm gonna you the bathroom. Be back in a minute" Karl said kissing me and sapnap on the cheek.

"Sapnap I need your help." Dream said, a little panicked Then just took sapnap away. I sat there and started to pat my legs like drums "hey why are you all alone? want a drink?" Some random person said holding two drinks. " I don't drink" I said scooting away. "Oh come on. Just one drink." They said scooting closer. " um.. no thanks" I said scooting away more. "Come on. It's fine just take it" they said, shoving the drink in my hand and scooting closer, putting their arms around my shoulder.

I started to shake and my vision got blurry-ish. I shoved the drink back in their hands and started to look for sapnap. I saw him in a room with Dream. Dream was on the phone and sapnap was laughing so hard then he saw me and his smile went away. He walked over to me. "Alex, what's wrong," sapnap said worried. I looked at him still shaking and my eyesight still blurry and breathing heavily. It was getting harder to hear. "mella. ayuda. estoy asustado" I said holding his hands. "Sorry dream we gotta leave" sapnap said, picking me up.

"Ok. Tell me what happens and if he gets better" Dream said looking at sapnap for a while then going back to his conversation. Sapnap went around looking for karl "Nick que está pasando? ¿A dónde vamos?" I said confused holding on to him. " I finally found you guys. What's wrong with Alex??" Karl said looking at me worried. "he's having a panic attack and we're going home." Sapnap said. I didn't know what was happening. I'm scared. The next thing I knew I passed out.

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