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"You're not letting her free, are you, Shigaraki?" Kurogiri asked his boss.

Shigaraki was silent for a minute. "No. No, I don't think I am. She'll join us, eventually."

"Well then, you should provide her with her own stuff. Basically everything she has is borrowed from Toga," Kurogiri suggested.

"I guess you're right," the blue-haired man admitted, scratching his neck.

"Let her know then so she can get ready, I will make a portal for you two to the shop centre," Kurogiri announced.

"What? Why me? I have better things to do than shopping with some stupid girl," Shigaraki argued.

Kurogiri stayed calm. "Who else should take her then? Toga? Dabi? Me? You know very well yourself that you can blend in the crowd the best."



Half an hour later you were standing beside Shigaraki in front of the shop centre still not really believing the situation you found yourself in.

Just gonna do some casual shopping with the villain that keeps me imprisoned. Cool. Does he even realise that this is a perfect chance to escape him?

"Don't even think about that," Shigaraki said suddenly.

"Huh?" you looked at him, not really catching his words.

He didn't even look at you. "I said that you shouldn't forget that we still get that boy and who knows what would happen to him if you tried something, anything, stupid. Also, you're gonna make this as quick as possible."

After that, he just started walking into the shop. You quickly followed him once you realized his words and the fact that you were being left behind.

The shopping was moreover calm. Shigaraki was making annoyed faces and kept reminding you to hurry up all the time, but on the other hand, he helped you carry all the bags. Of course only because "your clumsy ass would drop it all."

You felt bad for spending someone else's money, so you bought just the basics. Some clothes, things for basic hygiene so you wouldn't have to Share with Shigaraki anymore, deodorant, chapstick, some skincare, etc...

The two of you were just leaving when you were walking past clothes shop window. "LOok aT tHAt DrEss!" you squealed suddenly, making Shigaraki flinch.

"What about them?" he asked with an annoyed tone and watched you as you were basically hugging the shop window.

"They're perfeeect!" you sang.

(short a/n: I will let you imagine whatever type of dress you like. I, personally, have in mind the strawberry dress, I bet all of you know which one. But if you don't like dresses at all, you can imagine something else, it doesn't really matter. But in the story, I will keep referring to that piece of clothing as "dress")

"You don't need any dress," Shigaraki said, completely unbothered by your enthusiasm.

"I never said that," you pursed your lips at him.

Shigaraki was nervously scratching his neck. "We need to leave. We've been here for too long."

You shot one last loving look at the dress and followed him.

Once you were out of the shop centre, Shigaraki called Kurogiri and he transported you back home.


Later that day you were sitting at Shigaraki's desk along with him. He was going through some papers harshly, mumbling something under his breath and scratching his neck vigorously.

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