Chapter 2; Concert

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George woke up, and moved his dark blue sheets out the way. The room was still a bit the time was early and was colder. Still in his pajamas he quickly grabbed a jacket that had been hanging from the back of his door, he put the jacket on and grabbed eggo waffles out the fridge sliding them into the toaster, as much as he would love to go to the library but had to go the concert Wilbur invited him to, it would be rude to ditch him. And Wilbur was the only friend he had, he never really talked to anyone in middle school or high school, he was always quiet.

George spent hours planning out his outfit, he'd usually do this kinda thing the night before if he was going somewhere with a friend. He went dressed casually at the library, but George wanted to wear something a little more special. Even if the band wasn't as popular he still wanted to look nice. "Crap." George had trouble planning outfits sometimes because he was colorblind so if something was a shade of yellow it could be almost any color. Like red, yellow, green, orange, He wanted to wear green so he tried to pick out a nice outfit and put it on. The fabric was a good material and kept him warm from the cold breeze that was held in the house and outside of it as well. He grabbed his phone from the unmade bed slightly tripping over the sheets draped onto the floor but catching himself each time.

He walked of to his mirror and took a picture of his outfit and sent it to wilbur, he tried to be quick even if the concert was in 1 hour and he still had the time. 'does this match?' George typed throwing his phone back onto his bed, and falling onto his back along with it waiting for Wilbur to reply. Wilbur replied within a few seconds 'Yeah, if your wondering. dark green top the collar is white but you know that and the pants are black, it looks nice' George castle typed onto his phone thanking wilbur for the help.

And then he took everything off and showered the water was hot and almost steaming, the bathroom was foggy, the water burned on his skin but it was a settling feeling for him. The mirror was no longer visible because all the fog in the room. The heat quickly became overwhelming and the room was hardly breathable in, he turned around and turned the heat down slightly. George stepped out the shower as the water from his hair dropped onto the carpet along with the rest of the water on his body making the once dry carpet soaking. George didn't mind it because eventually it would dry, he dried his hair. He got ready, tucking in his collared shirt and putting the green sweater on after, his phone vibrated 'here' Wilbur had texted him George grabbed his phone and walked outside.

Wilbur usually said he was 'here' five to four minutes before he was actually there. George waited for Wilburs car to pull up on the side of the walkway, he sat down on his porch and looked at the sky. He was somewhat exited and happy to go somewhere else than his house. George fidgeted around tapping his feet, and bouncing his leg when Wilbur finally pulled his car to the side of the walkway. George looked up and walked over to the car gracefully opening the door, and getting into the front seat. "Wilby why do you always do that?" George questioned "First don't call me that second do what?" George rolled his eyes and hit his head on the back of the seat, "Say you are 'here' like an hour before you're here." Wilbur gave a sarcastically concerned look "Okay well i'm over exaggerating but you always say 'i'm here' like five minutes before you are actually here." Wilbur laughed "Well because you always stall so if i say 'here' before i am here you have time to do whatever without having to make me wait." George rolled his eyes,

They drove for almost thirty minutes to the place where the concert was, it was indoor and pretty secure, there was security and a few police around the area. They weren't that big but i'm sure they still wanted to be safe, Wilbur handed George his ticket, and they walked to security giving the women that tickets she soon scanned them, "Go ahead!" She smiled they walked in and the room was dark and people had glow sticks, "...these chicks don't even know the name of my band" the music was a fast, rap music not in a hundred years would George listen to his music on his free time but he was there, they where a little late so the song was almost done,

the man singing looked very familiar to George, and Wilbur. George doesn't remember anyone named 'Clay' or 'Dream'
"But they're all on me like they wanna hold hands"
he just listened to the song and smiled, it was oddly catchy. He realized why they blew up. "Cause once I blow they know that I'll be the man" The music was good. Even thought George would probably never listen to the song again he was fine with it. The lead singer looked over at George and smiled.  "All because I'm the lead singer of my band"
The lead singer still looking at George smiling now lost in his yellow eyes. In reality they where green but George say them as yellow, he knew they eyes where green because no one would have yellow eyes, but his hair on the other hand could have been a dirty blond or a dark green,
George only smiled nothing else he was lost, he made eye contact with the singer, for what seemed was a short time but in reality was the whole entire song. How did he not get lost and continue singing? he'd probably had something like this before. This was probably normal for him.
"Wanna talk to the lead singer? He is like talking to fans right over there." Wilbur pointed to the line that only consisted of few people, but would soon get long. "Sure." They walked over to the small booth waiting for their turn. When is had finally came around George was staring at the black carpet flooring making small kicks with his feet.
"I know you.. from somewhere just can't put a finger on it.." George quickly looked up and turned around and Wilbur was gone "Uh.. yeah you seem pretty familiar," Dreams face lit up "High school! i remember you! George right?" George nodded his head, and the. he remembered, "Clay?" Dream nodded they never really talked but they had lots of the same classes. "..we should maybe keep in contact? i need like new friends after high school i didn't really talk to anyone, you know?" Dream chuckled "Yeah of course, i'll give you my instagram. Don't wanna leak my number," They both giggled his instagram was 'Dreamwastaken'

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