Chapter 3; Color confusion

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George always struggled with colors he had explained that to Dream, "It's whatever though, honestly. Sometimes it gets frustrating, but school never really did a great job 'teaching' me colors or whatever." Dream scoffed "It isn't whatever George you thought my hair was dark green," He was quick to reply "Well that is something i will surely always struggle with, they look the same." "One has to look at least a little darker." George moved to his side instead of laying down on his back.
"Nope, not to me at least." Comfortable silence spread across the room, and the call. "I'm coming over." Dream didn't stutter or think before he spoke, he just spoke. "W-what why?"Dream wheezed a little he could tell he made George the slightest uncomfortable. "I said i'm coming over, i'll teach you color. And then maybe it won't be as hard to tell the difference between green and yellow, and all the other colors." You could hear the car door slam from Dreams end of the call, "O-okay.. i g-guess," The engine now starting and the dangling of keys. They sounded like janitor keys, why did he have so many keys "Stop being so flustered George, i'll be there in five." Dream hung up the call before George could defend himself, "I am not! Flustere- oh." He didn't wanna hear George try and defend himself he knew he was all red and pink.

Just like Dream said he was there in within four minutes, "Hi." Dream said hugging George, Dream liked the hugs George gave they where always lower hugs. Meaning he would usually grab around the waist, and that made Dream oddly happy. But it was fine, anyone would get like that when you get hugged by the waist, it's normal, surely. "Okay, i brought crayons! So you can maybe sort them in like a rainbow order? Not sure but they have color, and you can learn them." George rolled his eyes, "Clay, i'm not a baby-" Dream used his hand to cover George's mouth, "Stop complaining, i'm only trying to help you." Dream took his hand of his mouth and poured the colors out onto the glass living room table. The slight noises the crayons made while hitting the glass where satisfying and also annoying, "Okay so sort what you think you can see and what you think you can't, or the shades of yellow." George sorted out the color leaving all the blue, magenta's and pinks to the side. Along with one green crayon, Dream grabbed the crayon and dragged it back to the pile,

"That's green." Dream pointed at the crayon he moved to the other pile "oh." Dream rubbed George's back, "It's fine, you are learning." George quickly moved of to the side "i'm not a kid stop treating me like one Clay." George got up and walked away Dream grabbed his wrist, "Stay, please. I'm sorry just please don't be mad at me." George turned around and sat back down. "I'm not mad, i just don't like being pampered per say," They sorted the colors out, and after many tries George finally had put the crayons in almost the rainbow order getting the green and yellow wrong. But Dream didn't bother to point it out, it would only make George sad, and Dream didn't want him sad.

"You did it! It's perfect!" George's eyes gleamed "..really!?" Dream nodded his head slightly violently and hugged George tightly grasping him. "Well i have to go George, writing a new song for Dteam," George looked over at Dream "what is the new song called? If you have a name of course." Dream laughed "You just assume i'm gonna leak my new song to you?" George rolled his eyes and put his head back onto the back of the couch. "You'll tell me right?" George stared at Dream, Dream slightly pushed George's face to the side and laughed "Of course, it's called Wishful thinking, basically about wanting to be with someone or have someone there but they can't or the relationship probably won't work."
"What makes you think a relationship won't work?" George didn't mention a certain relationship, "Eh.. just difficulties i don't know, it's just a song, not about anyone certain."

George didn't say anything he just made a 'Mm' noise. Then the phone on the glass table rang vibrating the table, it was Dreams phone 'Pandy' Dream picked up the phone, it was a facetime call. "Where the hell are you Clay?" Dream pointed the camera to George "Oh so you have hoes?" Dream quickly moved the phone back, "WHAT?! No, no. Jesus Nick." Dream put a palm on his head. "I'm joking calm yourself down. Its not like i'm ruining you and your boyfriends relationship." George's face and Dreams face pink again. "He isn't my boyfriend. I talked to you about him Sapnap.I told you." George was now very bright red. "Okay, okay, i'm on my way Sapnap bye.." He hung up the phone after they both said there goodbyes. "So you talk to your band about me?" Dream got up and walked to the door "well yeah you are a good friend, i should introduce you to them. Anyways bye!" George waved 'bye' to Dream.

George got up from the warm couch leaving the  crayons on the table and laying down on his bed, and taking a nap. The nap turned into a deep sleep he went to sleep around five it was now eleven and he was still asleep. His phone spammed with messages and calls from Dream.

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