The Talk

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When Dana found out she was not happy. At all. But the fact that she already knew they were having sex helped matters, and after sitting down and talking to Nini and Carol (who had decided that she would be staying with Nini and Dana throughout the pregnancy) about it, she calmed down and agreed, reluctantly, to allow Ricky to stay with them as well, but only when Nini felt like she needed him.

Carol offered to go with Ricky and help him speak with his parents but, after a pointed glance from Nini, dropped the subject when he said 'no, thank you'. Carol had brought everything she would need with her, but she'd forgotten a few essentials and she took one look in the fridge and decided that she urgently needed to take her ex-wife grocery shopping. Nini wanted to go, but as Carol quickly reminded her, it was a Tuesday and if people saw them out of school there would be suspicion.

Nini's parents had decided she could have the rest of the week off school, to get used to being pregnant and prepare herself to face everyone again. Ricky, however, had strict instructions to go back on Wednesday, to stop teachers and students alike from getting suspicious. After all, it was hardly a secret that the two of them were dating now, and they wouldn't want anyone to think they'd eloped or something crazy like that.

Ricky, of course, thought this arrangement was incredibly unfair. But, as Nini reminded him, it was her, not him, that would be carrying another human being around in her uterus for the next eight months, and it was her, not him, who would be pushing said human being out of her vagina.

He couldn't argue with that.

He'd had to leave to go home and let his parents know he would be out all day and possibly overnight and Nini couldn't help but wish she was going with him. She was growing more curious about his home life by the day, but didn't want to pry. Ever time she would ask about his family he would turn cold and stop talking.

Nevertheless, it was on her mind, and it was adding more stress and worry on top of the huge amount she already had. She just wished he would tell her already, so she could forget about it and not have to worry.

Unless it was something bad. Something else she'd need to worry about. Then she'd only worry even more.

Sighing loudly at the million and one thoughts whirring through her brain, she trudged up the stairs and into her bedroom. It was only mid-afternoon, but she was exhausted. It had been a long day: driving home from her momma C's and telling her momma D about the situation she was in had taken a lot out of her.

She lay down on her bed, telling herself she would only rest her eyes for a few minutes, an hour at the most. All she needed was a nap...

She woke up, gasping in fright, eight hours later. It was early in the morning, she could tell by the darkness of the room and the absolute silence that only existed when everyone else in the house was asleep. She jumped a little when she felt something nudge her hip, but glancing down she saw that it was only Ricky. He'd obviously decided to join her in her bed, despite Dana's strict instructions to stay in the guest bedroom. She didn't know why she bothered; she was already pregnant. What else could happen?

Sighing loudly, she shook her head, trying to clear her mind of any lingering images. Her nightmare had been horrible; she'd dreamt that she had the baby, and things had seemed fine, but then some man and woman had turned up in the hospital and tried to take the baby off of her. She'd refused to hand it over, and they had simply smirked and said; "But he's our grandson; and since you two are so young, we'd better take him off your hands." And then the woman had grabbed the baby and wrestled him out of Nini's grip and then she'd started crying and Ricky had shouted at her for being stupid and was saying things about how the baby was better off with his parents, that they could never raise a kid, that he didn't even love her that much anyway, and then suddenly the baby was crying but it wasn't a baby at all, it was some kind of monster with a human child's face but the body of some kind of monstrous creature and then suddenly they were all under the sea and she was floating away as Ricky's 'parents' stared down at the child, smiling joylessly, and Ricky was just staring at her, watching as she was dragged further and further away and she could see in his eyes that he didn't care.

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