drivers liscense 💔

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trxshmouth: 🚨 NINA 🚨 NINA 🚨 NINA 🚨

spaghetti_head: stop-

trxshmouth: okay I will but hi Eddie <3

spaghetti_head: hi bby

b_b_bitch: AHHHH HI GUYS

trxshmouth: did you forget to take your Adderall

b_b_bitch: i- I don't even take Adderall

spaghetti_head: I do 😩🤚

trxshmouth: explains alot

spaghetti_head: wow

hoe_ly_boi: Bill im going to kill you

b_b_bitch: woah what did I do?

hoe_ly_boi: where tf is my jacket

b_b_bitch: ohhhh I still have it

hoe_ly_boi: yeah no shit

b_b_bitch: well why do you need it

hoe_ly_boi: bc its mine

trxshmouth: the moment I wake ⏰ up 🤗 before I put on my make up 💄

hoe_ly_boi: shut up Richie

b_b_bitch: I'll give it back when I come over

hoe_ly_boi: you better im cold

trxshmouth: maybe you should take a hot bath

january_embers: ... ok

hoe_ly_boi: bev why that reaction

january_embers: no reason 😃

hoe_ly_boi: okay ig

mikeyuwu: OMG GUYS

hay_boi: ?


january_embers: OMGGGG

trxshmouth: RED LIGHTS 🚨 STOP ✋ SIGNS 🛑


mikeyuwu: AHHHH

hay_boi: how can you listen to a drivers license...

trxshmouth: ben...

january_embers: ill send you the link ben

hay_boi: ...OH...ITS A SONG

mikeyuwu: smh

1 hour later

b_b_bitch left the group

hoe_ly_boi: fuck fuck fuck

trxshmouth: ? why'd Bill leave

hoe_ly_boi: we got into an argument fuck

trxshmouth: wait did you two break up...

hoe_ly_boi: fuck fuck fuck this is my fault

spaghetti_head: WAIT WHATS GOING ON

trxshmouth: omg omg wait no


hoe_ly_boi: we've been getting into alot of arguments over the past month because I was stressed about exams and he suggested that we take a break until I feel better and fuck I don't know what to do

january_embers: :( how long are you two taking a break for?

hoe_ly_boi: I don't know but I feel so bad hes not answering my texts I don't want to take a break

trxshmouth: should I add him back in here so you two can talk it out

hoe_ly_boi: someone call him first to make sure he's alright

spaghetti_head: why are you stressed stan?

hoe_ly_boi: I was stressed about exams and I took it out on him and he felt bad

mikeyuwu: I'll call him for you okay?

hoe_ly_boi: okay ty

MIKE WITH DA BIKE 😎‼️ is calling...

Bill: hello?

Mike: hey Bill you okay?

Bill: yeah did Stan tell you guys what happened?

Mike: yeah he was freaking out

Bill: I feel bad but hes not doing well

Mike: how come?

Bill: hes been really stressed and he keeps having nightmares. I want to get back together with him but I just want to leave him be for a few days.

Mike: okay that makes sense. Do you want me to add you back to the groupchat?

Bill: I'll let you know when you can add me back in okay?

Mike: okay so I'm guessing you need the break too?

Bill: Yeah. I do. I'm going to call Stan just to let him know that I love him and that I'll talk to him when I'm ready.

Mike: that seems like a good idea. He's really worried.

Bill: Alright bye.

Mike: byee.

Call ended.

Losers Club 🎈

mikeyuwu: @ hoe_ly_boi he said he's gonna call you but he doesn't want to be added to the gc yet

hoe_ly_boi: okay

trxshmouth: im gonna go make a hot pocket 🤚😩

spaghetti_head: that sounds good rn

Bill 💗🥺 is calling...

Bill: hi, Stanley, you okay?

Stanley: I'm so sorry, Bill, I didn't mean to get mad

Bill: Its not your fault, Stanley. To be honest things have just been hard lately. I thought I could ignore things, but I couldn't, and I needed time to myself. You seemed stressed but I just really needed time away from everyone and I realized that.

Stanley: Does it have to do with...

Bill: Yeah. It's like my parents are trying to forget him.

Stanley: Bill... I'm so sorry.

Bill: Stop apologizing. I promise that I'll talk to you and everyone when I'm ready. I just need a moment alone. Its not your fault at all.

Stanley: promise you'll talk to me when you're ready?.

Bill: I swear I will. I love you so much, Stan, and I always will.

Stanley: I love you too.

Bill: Talk to you soon. Bye.

Stanley: Bye.

Call ended

Losers Club 🎈

hoe_ly_boi: everything's good he just needs to be alone rn

spaghetti_head: is it about you know who

hoe_ly_boi: yeah

spaghetti_head: :(

trxshmouth: so its not your fault?

hoe_ly_boi: no thank God

trxshmouth: thats good I hope he feels better

hay_boi: if you need anyone to talk to im here stan

january_embers: same

mikeyuwu: me too

trxshmouth: me 3

spaghetti_head: me 4

hoe_ly_boi: ty guys

To be continued...

 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 🎈Where stories live. Discover now