mini chapter part 2: reddie

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"That was fun." Mike said as him, Richie, and Eddie turned off their computers, finishing their well played minecraft session.

"Yeah, it was." Eddie said smiling.

"It would have been better if Eddie didn't sacrifice me to creepers." Richie said pretending to be mad. Eddie giggled.

"Anyways its late, I gotta go." Mike said as he grabbed his jacket off of Richie's chair. "See you guys tommorow."

"Safe travels." Richie said as Mike left.

"Bye, Mikey." Eddie responded. Mike waved before leaving. Eddie looked at Richie as Mike closed the door.

"You heading out?" Richie asked. Eddie looked down a bit.

"Can I stay here?" Eddie responded, "Like stay the night?"

"Of course you can." Richie replied smiling. Eddie smiled softly as he layed back on Richie's bed.

"So do you think Ben and Bev are going to finish the project in time?" Eddie asked. Richie layed next to Eddie as he thought about it.

"Mike's screwed." Richie replied. Eddie giggled as Richie turned to him.

"Yeah definitely." Eddie said as he turned toward Richie.

"So why do you wanna stay here?" Richie asked scooting a bit closer to Eddie.

"I don't know, I just haven't spent that much time with you." Eddie replied.

"Aww, you miss me." Richie responded. Eddie giggled.

"Asshole." Eddie started, "I do though."

"I do too." Richie responded. Richie leaned toward Eddie. Eddie smiled softly as Richie put his face above him.

"Are you about to kiss me?" Eddie asked. Richie smirked.

"Sure am." He said before leaning in and softly kissing Eddie. Before Richie could pull away, Eddie leaned up kissing him more. Richie kissed back as Eddie put his arms around his waist. They pulled away after a few seconds, trying to catch their breath. Richie looked at Eddie shocked as Eddie laughed at his expression.

"You okay?" he asked giggling more.

"Wow." Richie replied. Eddie smiled as he leaned up to kiss his cheek. Richie became flustered at this and grabbed the pillow behind him and softly hit Eddie with it. Eddie smiled as his mouth opened in disbelief.

"What was that for?" Eddie asked.

"I panicked." Richie replied fearfully. Eddie smirked as he grabbed a pillow and threw it at Richie. He fell off the bed dramatically, trying to make it seem like Eddie was super strong. Eddie giggled before Richie suddenly sat up and threw another pillow at Eddie. The pillow fight continued until Richie suddenly held up a white shirt in the air. "I surrender!"

"Yay I won." Eddie said smiling softly, he crawled over to the side of the bed and looked at Richie who was now sitting up in front of him. "That was so fun."

"Yeah, for someone who's so short, you're really strong." Richie said looking at Eddie in pain. Eddie giggled as Richie climbed into bed next to him. He looked at Eddie smiling. Eddie turned to him and stared at him for a moment.

"I love you." Eddie said suddenly, looking at Richie softly. Richie's face went red.

"I love you too." Richie replied. He felt tears start to fill his eyes, he covered his face in embarrassment. "Fuck."

"What's wrong?" Eddie asked moving closer to him.

"I don't know its just, I'd always wanted to hear you say that, but I never thought I'd get the chance." Richie started, "Before we were dating at least." Eddie looked at Richie with a soft smile as he pulled his hands off of his face.

"I'll say it over and over again for you, Richie." Eddie said before softly kissing Richie. "I love you."

"I love you too." Richie said smiling as he hugged Eddie.

To be continued...
next is more groupchats

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