bestay sleepover 🤩🤞

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Losers Club 🎈

mikeyuwu: okay before we all go back to the clubhouse, is everyone okay??

hay_boi: if everyone else is fine i'm fine

january_embers: i'm feeling better

spaghetti_head: me too

b_b_bitch: i'm okay if stans okay

hoe_ly_boi: i'm alright

trxshmouth: eddie's fine so i'm fine

mikeyuwu: i'm glad you guys are better 🥰

trxshmouth: are you okay mike?

mikeyuwu: yeah i think so

trxshmouth: then good, we're all set.
The losers all collectively decided in their minds that they weren't going to make this night sad. Everyone was going to try their hardest to keep each other happy and laughing. Everyone started coming to the clubhouse one by one with everything they needed. Food, blankets, sleeping bags, etc. Ben, Beverly, and Bill got there first. Talking about random things until the others arrived.

"Okay, so be honest with me guys. Have you two like.. done it?" Bill asked. Ben's face turned red as Beverly burst into laughter, Bill joining her.

"What? No!" Ben said out of shock. Beverly continued giggling as she added on to Ben's answer.

"We're gonna wait til we're eighteen." Beverly added.

"You guys are doing that too?" A voice said from the entrance. Everyone looked up to see Richie, hand in hand with an embarrassed Eddie.

"Shut it." Eddie mumbled with a little giggle. Richie smiled. He let Eddie climb down first before following. They put their stuff down before sitting in the circle that was already starting to form.

"Hello, Billiam, Bevor, and Benson." Richie said as he sat down next to Eddie, putting his arm around him.

"Benson?!" Ben kind of yelled. Everyone burst into laughter.

"Okay, but seriously, everyone here is saving til adulthood?" Eddie asked.

"God, you sound like a professor or something." Richie responded, "Adulthood!" he kind of mocked before Eddie elbowed him.

"Yeah, but I'm just doing whatever Stan wants." Bill replied to Eddie's question.

"Awww." Beverly responded. Just as she said that Stanley came climbing down.

"Speaking of, there's Staniel!" Richie said. Richie started clapping as everyone joined him. Stanley smiled as he put his stuff down, before instinctively sitting next to Bill.

"So what are we talking about?" Stanley asked.

"Sex." Ben said very bluntly. Stanley furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"What does that have to do with me?" Stanley asked.

"Oh, Bill just said he's doing whatever you want in terms of waiting." Beverly replied. Stanley smiled.

"Oh, okay." He responded. Mike climbed down to see everyone already there.

"Hi, Mike." Everyone kind of said in unison. Mike smiled before he put his stuff down, and finished the circle that they formed in the middle of the room.

"What are we talking about?" He said as he sat down.

"Just.. stuff." Eddie responded. Everyone kind of giggled.

 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 🎈Where stories live. Discover now