truth pt. 2 💔💔

978 21 34

Everyone showed up at the clubhouse at 10 o'clock in the morning like Mike had requested, though Eddie and Stanley showed up a bit earlier. They had planned this to discuss what they thought was going on. Eddie showed up to see Stanley leaning on one of the trees near the entrance. Eddie walked toward him.

"Do you also feel a sense of dread?" Eddie asked as he leaned on the tree next to Stanley.

"They're trying to act normal, but its not working." Stanley replied.

"What do you think they're gonna tell us?" Eddie asked.

"I think I already know." Stanley replied.

"What do you mean?" Eddie responded.

"You notice how every time we mentioned death, Bev would act weird, right?" Stanley said.

"Yeah." Eddie responded.

"Yesterday after I mentioned death, Ben acted weird after Bev and Mike told the others what they're gonna tell us." Stanley said. Eddie crossed his arms.

"Shit, so basically they're gonna tell us we're gonna die." Eddie responded. Stanley nodded.

"And I think I know how too." Stanley said. They were both silent as Eddie widened his eyes.

"You think it's..?" Eddie said as he trailed off at the end.

"Most likely, do you think they'd be that weird about our deaths if it wasn't?" Stanley started, "They aren't weird about it when anyone else mentions death."

"Shit." Eddie responded. "Do you think we should tell them we know what's up?"

"Probably. It would make it easier on them." Stanley replied.

"..How do you think.. Richie and Bill reacted?" Eddie asked.

"Bill probably acted like he was fine, like he does with everything." Stanley started, "Richie probably freaked out."

"Yeah.. God I don't even want to imagine it." Eddie responded.

"They're probably going to try to figure out how to stop it." Stanley said chuckling a bit at the end.

"Well, don't you want them to stop it from happening?" Eddie asked. Stanley sighed.

"I honestly don't know." Stanley said, "I really don't." Eddie nodded.

"If it is true.. what we're saying, I honestly think I'll cry." Eddie responded. Stanley giggled.

"Wait. How did Bev even know we're gonna die?" Stanley asked.

"Maybe she can see the future?" Eddie said. They both laughed.

"As crazy as it sounds, maybe. I wouldn't doubt it with all the shit we've seen." Stanley responded. They changed the subject after that, talking about other stuff until the rest of the group came. When Richie and Bill saw Stanley and Eddie, they exchanged sad looks before walking over to them. Richie hugged Eddie tightly and Bill lightly kissed Stanley's cheek before hugging him. Bill ended the hug, but Richie was still hugging Eddie.

"You okay?" Eddie asked. Richie let go, looking down sadly. He looked back at Eddie and smiled softly.

"Yeah." Richie replied. They all went into the clubhouse, each of the losers finding a place to sit.

"Alright should we start?" Mike asked. Everyone hesitantly shook their heads except Stanley and Eddie. "Stanley? Eddie?"

"We kind of already have an idea of whats going on." Eddie started, "You guys aren't good at acting like nothings wrong." Stanley nodded in agreement.

 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐭 🎈Where stories live. Discover now