War time tributes the best pay

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Fire emblem Oc

Name: Mateo Artimas

Age: 1025 (1019 T.H pre Timeskip, 1024 T.H post Timeskip)

Gender: Male

Height: 6'4"

Weight: 172pds

Blood type: O-

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Manakete (will always have dragon stone option as result)

Birthdate: ........unknown. after having lived for so long and through so much he has, in all honesty, forgotten the exact date he was born, though he can roughly guess it was some time in verdant rain moon(August).

Class(fates and Awakening): Tactician

Class weapon allotment(fates & awakening): swords, tomes, and dragon stone (basically the nohrian royal rank up for player from fates)

Possible reclassing(fates & awakening): Assassin (master seal), Grandmaster (Master seal), Swordsmaster (Second seal or friendship seal), Thief (second seal)

Class(three houses): commoner

Crest: none

Strengths: flying, bow, reason

Weaknesses: axe, fist, faith

Hidden talent: faith

Desired classes: monk, thief, assassin, trickster

Allegiance: depends on which path / game

Awakening: no allegiance / mercenary for hire

Fates: Nohr, though his allegiance is loosely tied there by his kinship with Leo

Three houses: Golden deer, he had always adhered to their ideals better than the other two.

Appearance: rusted brown long hair tied into a warriors braid, emerald green draconic eyes with gold flecks in them, short rust colored stubble across his lower jaw, a deep scar going from the bridge of his nose to under his left eye, slim build

Appearance: rusted brown long hair tied into a warriors braid, emerald green draconic eyes with gold flecks in them, short rust colored stubble across his lower jaw, a deep scar going from the bridge of his nose to under his left eye, slim build

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(This type of hairstyle)


-silver sword
-dragon stone+

-Nohrian sword +5
-Upheavel (unique spell, tears the ground up from under the target weakening their defense and immobilizing them, does the same to the caster)
-Tower bow (for assassin reclass)(same stats as a silver bow except +2 range)
-dragon stone

Three houses
-steel sword
-dragon stone
-Tower bow


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