Chapter 8

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It was finally the end of a long, stressful week. Seonghwa was relieved for the weekend to arrive. It had been preparation week for the exams to come the following week and he was grateful they didn't have full school days for it.

Something he noticed, however, was the lack of a certain student in his class. He hadn't seen one of his favorite students nor her dad and felt the need to be concerned.

He didn't think much of it, last weekend, when Yeosang poked fun at him in front of the others because he was sulking about the absence of Hongjoong. Now that a week had gone by, Seonghwa became worried.

He didn't want to be that person who's overly concerned, since they weren't even friends, but he also couldn't help being curious as to where the other had been. There wasn't even an announcement from the principal regarding Mina's absence.

As he gathered up his belongings to take home with him, a knock at the already open door breaks his focus.

When he looks up, he finds a somewhat distraught Yeosang standing there. "Hey, Sang. Everything alright?" He asks. His question receives a shake of the other's head.

"I need your help with something." Seonghwa nodded immediately, sensing the worry in his tone. Yeosang was normally a very care free, laid back kind of guy and to see him in this state caused Seonghwa to be alert.

"Jongho is away on a trip for work purposes and he asked for my help. Except, I don't know how much help I will be. Hongjoong isn't doing so well. Last Jongho checked, the guy was really drunk out of his mind. That's not normal for him since, ya know, Mina is around. Except that's the thing, Mina isn't around. She's gone. Jongho didn't say where she was, but my guess is that his mom had her last."

Seonghwa furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Well, isn't that good? She can keep her safe!" He didn't understand the problem at hand.

"Jongho told me that she's not a good person and tries to control Hongjoong and his life. I figured you could probably help get him to open up or something, maybe get him to get his shit together to do something? Jongho's words." Yeosang pulled his sleeves over his hands and fidgeted with the threads on the end of his sweater.

Seonghwa didn't hesitate and immediately grabbed all of his things, before pulling Yeosang to his car.

"Where to?" He asked as soon as both were settled in the older's car. Yeosang wasted no time with delivering the location and soon enough they were on their way.

He wasn't sure why he felt he had to do this, but he knew Hongjoong was someone he wanted in his life, whether it was friendship or more. So, going to help the other was no convenience for him.

"Do you know if Mina is safe at least?" Seonghwa asks, eyes scanning the road in front of him as he drives to their destination.

"Yeah, she wouldn't hurt her. I don't know about Hongjoong, though. I don't really know how bad his relationship is with his mom, I just know that Jongho sounded scared on the phone earlier." Yeosang sighs and then rests his forehead on the cool glass, watching the scenery pass by.

Seonghwa wanted nothing more than to make sure Hongjoong was safe, but when they pulled up to the house, he became even more nervous and almost shy.

Yeosang quickly jumped out of the car after the older put it in park. He rolled his eyes at the fact that he didn't even turn off the engine yet and the other was already making a bee line for the front door.

"Sang, wait for me," Seonghwa jogs to catch up and they both find themselves planted in front of the door.

Hongjoong's home.

Why was he so nervous? They always talked after school, but this was different, it was Hongjoong's safe place.

With a quick and hard knock against the surface of the door, they wait. There wasn't much sound indicating any movement from the other side at first so they assumed he either was asleep or not around. They hoped it wasn't the latter.

"Should we try knocking again?" Seonghwa mumbles, just loud enough for the other to hear.

Before they could do anything else, the door swings open to reveal a sluggish and squinty eyed Hongjoong. Seonghwa felt pity for him.

"Oh boy, two more people to judge me. Can I just sleep now?" His words were very slurred and mumbled. He was leaning his body against the door frame for support while rubbing his eyes.

"Okay, goodnight, guys. I'm fine. Goodbye," Hongjoong drags out the last syllable on the end of his statement. It was a strange sight to see for Seonghwa.

"Alright, Hongjoong. I think it's time for you to go get some rest." Seonghwa says, stepping forward to guide the younger.

"Seonghwa! When did you get here? I really missed you so much. My big, dumb mom ruined my chances to see you again," Hongjoong pouts and it makes the other want to coo at him.

Seonghwa turns back towards his friend still standing outside the door. "Hey, Sang? How about you take my car home? I'll stay here with him and make sure he's safe."

"But how will you get home then?" Yeosang asks.

Seonghwa shrugs, "Pick me up tomorrow. I'll text you later."

Yeosang makes no move to argue and heads out, leaving Seonghwa to hold up a slinking Hongjoong.

"Seonghwa, you're like the cutest ever. Can we go cuddle and watch movies and eat popcorn?" Hongjoong asks, rapidly firing off requests.

The older pulls him towards the main room and gently lays Hongjoong down on the couch.

"Wait til Mina finds out you're here! She's going to be so excited!" He giggles, but they cease immediately before being replaced by loud sobs.

It was hard to see him like that and it made Seonghwa want to do everything in his power to bring back the smile to his face. He sits down next to him and immediately turns on a movie to calm the other down.

It didn't seem to be enough, as the younger quickly wraps himself into a big cuddle against Seonghwa. He didn't mind, though. It was cute.

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