Chapter 5

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Hongjoong was on his last thread of nerves. The job searching had become a headache and no one wanted his skill set. So, he was beyond frustrated with no results.

He decides, after sometime, that it was best to stop and take a break, so he texts Jongho begging for some company. To Hongjoong's luck, there wasn't much for the younger to do that day anyways.

It didn't take long for Jongho to arrive and in the time of waiting, Hongjoong was able to make them some lunch, which consisted of leftover chicken. The other would be expecting food, it was just a necessary requirement for whenever he was with Jongho. It was part of why he owned a cafe because he loved food so much.

"Aw, honey! You made me food. You shouldn't have!" Jongho sarcastically jokes as soon as he walks in.

Hongjoong rolls his eyes, before shaking his head at the younger. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You probably wouldn't stay if I didn't get you food."

"You've got that right," Jongho says, which receives him a not so serious glare. "Okay, I'm kidding, you know I would suffer without food, for you." Hongjoong hits him in the arm, but it only makes the younger laugh.

"What have you been up to all day?" Jongho asks in the midst of taking a bite of his food.

Hongjoong simply shrugs, his response void of any enthusiasm. "Job searching."

"And how's that going?" He looks at the older, genuinely curious with what reply he will receive.

The answer that came was a simple sigh and Jongho didn't need any words from his friend to know exactly how he felt.

"Joong, you have the opportunity right in front of you. Learn to take the risk. You won't know if you'll be successful until you try." Hongjoong knew his friend's words were the truth, but he felt he couldn't risk it. He couldn't risk having to lose his daughter.

He decides that was the end of that conversation, not wanting to add anymore frustration to his day. Besides, he was supposed to be having a break which is why he called Jongho over.

"So, how are you and Mingi doing?" He asks, clearly changing the subject. He could tell that Jongho picked up on the topic change, but the other chose not to say anything about it and went along with the new conversation.

"Mingi is Mingi. I love him, but he's so dumb. Like, the other night he woke me up just to ask me why boiling water makes pasta soft and eggs hard! Like I should know!" Jongho had a look of exasperation before finishing off his story. "I couldn't sleep after that because I had to think about it, too, so then we stayed up the rest of the time discussing it."

Hongjoong just stares at him dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond. Times like these make him realize that the two were definitely meant to be together. They shared a braincell.

"In other news, we're going on a date this weekend! He said we can go on a picnic finally," Jongho explains, joy filling inside of him. He picks up his and Hongjoong's now empty plate to put them in the sink to be washed.

"Well, that's exciting! I know you've been wanting to go on one." Jongho nods his head, a smile apparent on his face and it made the older happy to see. He only wanted the best for Jongho and Mingi was definitely that for him.

After some time, they realized it was already time to go get Mina from school. Time seemed to escape them right under their noses.

"Wait, I think Yeosang worked today. I should go say 'hi' to him!" Jongho states while they leave his home.

"He works at the school?" Hongjoong asks.

Jongho nods, "He sometimes helps out as the Tech teacher with drones and shit. It's pretty cool, a hit with the kids."

Hongjoong found it fascinating that his friend had so many connections. He wished he was like that, too, but he was always so focused on his work that he never took the time to build relationships with the people around him.

Sometimes Hongjoong imagined himself living a different life, surrounded by so many people who loved him, didn't have anxieties breathing down his neck, living his dream job of music producer. It was all just that, a dream. It wouldn't be real, how could it? No wonder people never stuck around, his view on life was a rather dull one.

It didn't take long before they approached the small grade school. Kids were already beginning to filter out of the building, running as if bulls were chasing them.

Joyous screams and laughter filled the open area as the two guys stood off to the side scanning for the older's daughter among the crowd.

"Daddy!" Mina shouts, which is followed by a gasp of surprise. "Uncle Hoho!"

Hongjoong bursts out laughing. He could never get used to the nickname his daughter gave his best friend. His laughter earned him a peeved look from the younger, but it only fueled his laughter a bit more.

"I'm gonna go see Yeosang. Did you want to come with or just head home? I don't mind either way and if anything, I can ask if he can drive me back to get my car." Hongjoong shakes his head to decline, about to respond saying that Mina had homework, but he feels a tug on his shirt.

"Daddy, can I go with Uncle Hoho? I wanna visit Mr. Kang!" Mina gives him the saddest puppy dog eyes she could possibly manage. Hongjoong knows he won't win this one, so he quickly agrees, saying he'll just meet them at the front of the school.

As the two leave his view, the feeling of someone's eyes on him had the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. He decided to ignore feeling, however, it was like a magnet pulling his eyes towards the source.

Seonghwa stood a good distance away, a strange look on his face, but when their eyes met, the teacher's expression changed to embarrassment. It was like he wasn't expecting to be caught staring. Hongjoong blushed, but felt a bit prideful. He kind of enjoyed the attention he was getting.

Maybe he should go say hi, he thinks to himself. He figured, they've talked a good amount of times so it shouldn't be too weird. Besides, he had some time to kill.

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