I Could Be Good With You

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"So uh... I haven't really done this before, but I went through all the training and preparation." Jessica confessed to me. 

I nodded. "It's okay. I've only been to a few other homes, so we're both pretty new at this."

Jessica smiled. "Do you wanna see your room?" She asked me as she stood up. We walked down a short hall and she opened the first door on the left. "Here! I hope you like it. We can always go shopping and redecorate it."

I walked in. The room was fairly small, but it had a cozy feel to it. 3 of the walls were white, with a dark gray accent wall for the fourth one. There was a bed pushed up in the corner of the back and right wall. There was an empty floating desk in the back corner of the room. Built-in dressers and cabinets were placed on the other walls.

"It's...really nice. Thank you Jess." I awkwardly hugged her. 

"You're welcome. We can always go shopping if you need anything," She told me. "I'll show you where my room and the bathroom are," She motioned for me to follow her down the hall. Jessica opened the door to a small bathroom.

"Do we share a bathroom..? Or is this just mine?" I asked quietly.

"All yours," she responded. "I have my own, attached to my room, which is that door down there." Jess pointed further down the hall, and I nodded.  "If you need anything and I'm in there, just knock," she continued. 

We walked back to the main room and sat down on the couch. I looked down and fidgeted with my hands. There were a few moments of silence, until Jess broke it. "Do you have any questions? About me or anything like that.." her voice trailed off.

"What's your job?" I asked her, hoping it didn't sound weird.

"Oh! Uh, I'm a performer. I'm in an off-Broadway show right now, actually." Jess quickly told me, and I nodded in response. 

"What show?"

"Heathers The Musical. It was based off of Daniel Waters' 1989 movie Heathers," she responded.

"Oh yeah. I've heard of that, my sister Paige was really into that movie for a while," I said, my voice getting quieter as I spoke. Thinking about Paige hurt. I hadn't seen her since we were separated a few years ago. I missed her, and wished I could see her again.

"You okay?" Jess asked as she scooted over, putting her hand on my back as an attempt to make me feel better. It was uncomfortable, but I let her do it. She was nice, and I didn't want to make her upset.

"Yeah, I guess. Just a little nervous," I responded, looking down to my lap. 

Jess scooted away from me. "It's getting kinda late, do you wanna go to bed?" I nodded and stood up, grabbing my bag, which had a tooth brush and pajamas in it.

Within a few minutes, I was in my room, getting into bed. Jess knocked on the door and poked her head into the room. "Good night Avery," she smiled at me. "Remember if you need anything, feel free to wake me." She shut the door again and left.

I laid down, trying to fall asleep, but anxiety kept me up. I was feeling homesick, but I didn't have a real home. This was my new placement, my new home. I eventually fell asleep. 

A/N: I wrote this during school today. I should be using my study hall for real work, but instead I'm doing this. Have a great day! See ya, -Laine

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