So It's Only a Matter of When

138 4 8

(TW: Eating/Food)

Jessica's POV

Today was Tuesday, meaning I had a show tonight. I didn't want to leave Avery home alone, so I was going to bring him to the theater.

I had told the rest of my castmates I was getting paired with a kid in the foster program, but I hadn't had time to tell them he got here yesterday. So, I decided to text Evan.

Messages - Evan Todd
Me: Hey, Evan
Evan: Hey, what's up?
Me: So y'know how how I applied to the foster program and got in?
Evan: Yeah
Me: Well, I the kid I got paired with got here yesterday
Evan: Oh! That's great! Have you told anyone else yet?
Me: No, I've been kinda busy
Evan: Yeah, I get that. Does this mean Charissa is gonna have to step in?
Me: Nah, I think I'll be able to do the show later. I'm planning on bringing Avery to the theater.
Evan: Is that their name?
Me: Yeah, it's his name
Evan: Okay cool, anyways I gtg now, I'll talk to you later!
Me: Right! Bye!

I shut my phone off and walked towards Avery's room to wake him up.

I reached his room, and knocked on the door, opening it slightly. "Avery? You up?" I whispered softly into his room.

"Yeah," he responded groggily. I'd guess he just woke up.

"You want some breakfast?" I said, opening the door a little more.

"Okay," he responded. I opened the door more, and Avery started to get out of bed.

"Anything specific?" I asked him as I started to walk into the kitchen.

"Toast is fine!" He called as I grabbed some bread from the cabinet and put it in the toaster oven.

"Plain or with butter?" I asked him as I started to open an oatmeal pack for myself.

"Buttered, I guess." Avery started to walk into the other side of the kitchen.

"Alright." I prepared the oatmeal and put it in the microwave. I took the toast out of the toaster and put butter on it, shortly after putting it on a plate and giving it to Avery. He sat there and picked at his food, until the microwave beeped.

"You okay, Ave?" I asked him as I took the oatmeal out of the microwave.

"Yeah," he responded. "Just not that hungry."

"Maybe you're just anxious," I commented. "When I'm anxious, my body passes it off as being not hungry." Avery nodded, and lifted the toast to his mouth and took a bite.

"Anyways, since you aren't in school right now, you have to come to my job with me. I can't leave you here alone." I smiled at him. "It's the middle of New York, y'know. I can't just leave you all alone." I sat down next to Avery and began eating.

"What time does your job start?" He asked, looking up from his food which still only had a few bites in it.

"Well, I have to be at the theater by 5:30. The show starts at 7:30." He nodded, and I continued. "I want you to stay backstage when the show's going on. I don't want you to get lost or wonder somewhere you shouldn't be."

"I don't like loud noises," Avery told me. I turned to him.

"I mean, there's a few gunshots, and the music can be loud sometimes," I told him. "You could stay in the guys' dressing room during those parts." I continued. Avery nodded in response.

"How many people are gonna be there?" He asked.

"Well, in the cast there's about..." My voice trailed off as I counted everyone. "8 of us are main characters, and 8 ensemble members. So like, 16 people in total, plus the stage hands and crew..." I stopped talking again. "I'll introduce you to everyone once we get there." I finalized.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed! Sorry for not updating for a while! Avery is gonna meet everyone next time, and I hardly ever see the ensemble given love, so I'm gonna put a couple of them in there too! Anyways, have a great day/night! See ya, -Laine
Word Count: 696

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