Fuck off

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"Time's up, Valerian, good job" My coach held his thumb up. I jogged off court, chugging water as I get to the bench. Sam, my best friend comes jogging up with water bottles filled with gatorade, handing them to everyone on the bench. 

"Thanks" I chug back the red drink. He was on the team but didn't play much, so he acted as water boy, even though he is way better than our current outside hitter, Dell, the coach's son, but he hasn't been out a game since the season started, wonder why. I admired Sam's attitude towards the situation, smiling through it and cheering us on from the bench. I know I'd be pissed, but I know deep, deep, deeeep down, he hated sitting out.

"Good luck" He pats me on the back, I jogged back on court to the Setter position. The set was going smoothly till fucking Dell kept messing up, don't get me wrong, Dell is a nice guy but if he messes up one more time, I'll-

He dropped the ball.

He. Dropped. The. FUCKING. Ball.

That's it.

"HEY, Coach, send Knox's in" Sam looks at me, surprised.

"B-but-" I gave him a "If you want to die, say no" look.

"U-uh, yeah, good suggestion, Knox, get in" He looks at coach then at me, smiling ear to ear. He gets off the bench and sprints to the right of me, as an outside hitter. 

"FINALLY!!" His mom yells from the bleachers, taking out her camera while his 6 siblings, stand up, clapping. He smiles, turning back to the set. We play flawlessly, Sam and I had been playing doubles till we reached high school, so we knew each other strategies and techniques. We won against the victors from last year's final, so I'm pretty sure we're going to win the finals. We walk over to Mrs. Knox, Mr. Knox, and all of their 6 children

"Good job, honey we're so proud! I got all the pictures I could" She hugs Sam tightly. 

"Good job, VJ," The twins say in sync, Luke and Oliver, hug me from both sides. 

"Thank you Jax for standing up for him, I told him yesterday, while practices were happening, to march up to Coach Ben and give him a piece of your mind, we would have backed him up" She crosses her arms. His stepdad intervenes, placing his hands on her shoulders. 

"But, we're just happy you got to play, so how was it? Did you..." They continue to talk as they walk away to their car.

"Hey hon, do you need a ride?" I shake my head.

"It's fine, Mrs. Knox, I'll just walk home, home's not that far from here" They drive off as I start my trail to hell, kicking some rocks along the way. I make it to the front door and hesitate to walk in. The last time I did walk into my house, I got an eye full of my stepdad's tiny dick with some stupid redhead that followed him home from "work", I've never puked till that day. I opened the door to see, thank god, he was asleep. I step carely towards my room but creaky wood floors give me away.

"Where have you been?" A drunk voice said. I sighed and turned towards him.

"I was at the Volleyball Tournament"

"Wait, you play volleyball, like a girl?" I live with a 8-year-old.


"GIRL'S SPORT, GIRL'S SPORT, GIRL'S SPORT, YOU PLAY A GIRL'S SPORT" He lets out an ugly, drunk laugh. Resist killing him, resist killing him, resist killing him.

"No, it's not a girl's sport, your just too much of a perv to watch any else besides the girl's ass shaking while they run" I go to walk away to my room.

"YOU LITTLE-" he grabs my arm which I yank away from him.

"Don't touch me, thank you" I say in a sarcastic voice as I continue to head to my room. I shut the door in his face, and he opens it again, leaving his nasty ass handprints on my door knob. 

"Ugh, can you please leave me alone" I start to unpack my homework so I can get good grades and good grades equals leaving this place.

"You have no right to disrespect me like that, your mother-"

"Watch. your. step. George. Watch your fucking step" I poke his chest hard, I was defensive about my mother and was not open to talking about her, I made that clear to Sam, being the good friend he is, he wanted to fix my problems, but this is a problem only I can fix. I shove him out of my room and slam the door, sitting on my bed, and putting my head in my hands. I work on homework for 30 minutes before I lose interest. 

"I miss you, Mom, I do..." I step out of my room, George greeting his friends at the door.

"Shit, George, you look worse from the last time I saw you"

"Taking care of the kid has taken a toll" Bullshit. 

"You have a kid now, who-"I lock eyes with my coach, great, another person that gonna try and help me. He looked a little surprised but recovered.

"H-hey VJ" He nods.

"Coach" I nod back.

"Wait, you know the kid? So you know how much trouble I go through? He's a bitch, isn't he?" My coach stares in rage at George's word usage, he looks back over to me, worry on his face.

"Hey Dad, got the, Oh, hey Jax" Dell nods, and I wave back, lowkey hoping that walls would swallow me.

"Well, he's grounded right now, so off to your room, shoo" I stand still, making my sandwich as slow as possible, and head back to my room. 

*5 hours later*

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" He yells at me as I head towards the door with my back full of food, school supplies, and clothes. I hate to sound like an 8-year-old, but I'm running away, not far away, probably just that little motel a couple blocks away, I had money from babysitting Sam's siblings.

"What was what?"

"You, um, uh,"


"YOU DISOBEYING ME AND IN FRONT OF MY FRIENDS!!!" He was angry. I could see his face and ears were red, his face scrunched up in distaste.

"Aww, I'm sorry, did I hurt feelin- I don't give a fuck" I grab the apartment door then he says something I wasn't ready for.

"Your jus' a pussy, like your mother"...I turn around slowly and say.

"It's your fault" 

"Damn right" A voice says, I hesitate but continue.

 I kick him in the balls, he falls to his knees then I knee him in the face, blood squirting out of his nose, a red stain now on my joggers, I stand over him and lift him by the collar a little.

"Don't you ever insult my mother, got it?" I spit in his face, he nods, and I punch him in the face, knocking him out.        

"Fuck you" I stormed out into the busy sidewalk, many people shoving their way down the street. I knew where I was going, I just knew I couldn't stay there. 

Sorry, Mom.

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