The Beginning

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They lead me with Sam, still unconscious in my arms to a building with many beds in it. People were groaning, shifting around trying to ease the pain. The moon shone through the right side of the building's windows.

"Lay him here" I do, backing into another bed, sitting down. I pinched the bridge of my nose, sighing. I fall back in the bed, exhausted, my clothes are muddy, pretty sure my hands have some glass in them.

"I should have know the Fever would have smell us, especially if all three of us together" Dell speaks up to the... would it be Centaur?

"Why did you do it then?" Brunner states.

"His father was being a dick, plus I didn't know Sam's was Athena's till he told about his incident in forest with a glowing owl" I sit up, looking at them with a serious face.

"If this is like some cult shit, I'm out" I lay back down.

"You know the greek stuff I was talking about, back at the house? Mr. Brunner is better at explaining it than I am, Mr. Brunner?" I look at the half horse man as he goes through a very detailed story of greek gods and illegal affairs with humans they had and are still having, illegally of course. 

"Your mother worked in the army, right?" I nod, trying to learn all this information was adding to my exhaustion.

"That's where he probably met her" I sit up, confuse with what he means. 

"Wait, who?" I shake my head.

"Your dad, Ares" My who.

*-17 years ago-*


"GO GO GO GO, I WANT MORE!!" I shout at humans i've been training. The desert heat pour down on the humans, it was nice to see them suffer. I jogged along with little death trot I'd created and of course I was training them way too much, it was satisfying to see the little legs quiver, their faces turn into a twisted face of pain. I look at my GPS even though I didn't need it, just 50 miles, ugh. Good thing we had just jogged back to camp or these suckers would have been in for another long jog.

"Ok stop, even pigs need water, go" They wobbled over to their bags of water, chugging down some, I knew if swallowed to much they throw up later, but that wasn't my fault. 

"YALL LITTLE PUSSIES can't take 50 miles, wow, who trained you?"

"Sir, Sergeant Mikel Tosan, sir" One boy answers, I look over to medical tent where he was flirting with a the other drill sergeant who looked very unpleased.

"Bet his training in flirtation was worse than his physical training" They laughed.

"You are dismissed" I stated and made my way over to have a little talk to with Mikel about his lazy ass training and maybe help with seduction of his (NOTHING BAD HAPPENS)

"Mikel, can I talk to you for a sec?" I pull him outside the tent without answer.

"Your troops couldn't take a 50 miler" 

"And so?" Don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him, don't kill him.

"So, you sent them to me unprepared, which makes my job a lot harder and the troops more pissed at me" 

"ooo, sorry I didn't lube them up for you sergent... Mars" He mimics my low voice, if he died , would world really miss him?

"My girls could easily run a 50, you must have done a pretty ass job Mikel, you know, he could report you for not doing your job correctly, and you wouldn't want to tarnish your little pretty report card? Would you?" She pouts a little, lean back in amazement. She's a bitch...

I love her.

"And I won't hesitate" I lean over him. 

"W-w-what would you have me do Serg?" He stands taller.

"Take them back until their, what term did you use "all lubed up"?" He nods as runs over to the building that holds troops. I stand there, feeling relax, getting into fights and winning is the best feeling. The woman walks back into her tent, pushing the green flaps back. I follow in pursuit.

"So, you handle him often?" I ask, rotating a pen between my fingers.

"More often than I'd like" I chuckle, she turns around and I get a good glance at her from behind, she definitely was a woman. I could see why Mikel wanted a piece, hell, I would mind a piece. You could see her curves of her breasts from the back, which let you know, she was... big. (is this weird or is it just me? lol) She turned back around and my mouth went dry for the first time in a long time. Her tight tan tank top stretched along her rack, she pulls her hair out of her bun, letting it fall to her hips, some curls getting caught in the close pin as she was pulling it out.

"U-uh here, let me, let me help you with that" I step forward, gently pulling her hair out of the close pin.

"Must be exhausting putting your hair up every day" She groans, tilting her head back.

"You have NO idea, the brushing, the oils, and with this heat out here, surprised I haven't gone bald" She flips her a couple times, tossing it up and down, I have not idea what she's doing but I'm totally mesmerized. 


"Mars, Sergeant Mars or Enlius" 

"You greek or somethin'?" She tilts her head, while she sorts through papers and documents

"Yes ma'am" She nods, pushing her bottom lip.

"I'm Alina Jax, Sergeant Jax, buy me a beer sometime, or I could buy you one" She gets up, walking past me towards the exit.

"What if I don't want to?" I tease.

"It was an order, Sergeant Mars, not question" she walks out. 

Game on, Alina.

*17 years later* 

"My who?"                   

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